Tune in to the HuttCast Podcast where we explore an expansive array of topics—from life lessons and business insights to the latest in automotive trends and current events. As a seasoned leader in the business community, I bring practical perspectives to the table, breaking down complex issues with common sense that seems all too rare these days. Join us on HuttCast, where no topic is off limits and every conversation is an opportunity to learn something new.
Divisions: Political Loyalty, Economic Shifts, and the Legacy of Brian Thompson
Is the Democratic Party's unwavering base truly a sign of political strength, or does it signal a deeper division within American society? In this episode, Looking at the emotional undercurrents that fuel political loyalty and the reluctance to stray across party lines. Through personal stories and family dynamics, we explore the generational gaps that impede open political conversations at home and question the influence of prominent figures like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. We aim to decipher the complexities of today's political climate and its divisive discourse.
Turning our focus to the heart of Minnesota's political landscape, the evolving strategies of Mr. Walls, scrutinizing his demeanor and the ethical challenges that come with the territory of political campaigning. Drawing from firsthand experiences, we consider the intricacies of campaign funding, transparency, and accountability, and how these factors shape public perception. By examining efforts to shift Minnesota's political balance, we reflect on the lasting impact of past elections on current dynamics and the undeniable responsibilities of participating in the democratic process.
The economic rollercoaster is upon us, affecting daily lives with rising costs and shifting norms. How political shifts ripple through economic trends, impacting consumer behavior and societal standards. From domestic energy policies to potential changes in health and food sectors, we explore how these factors influence jobs, prices, and the overall cost of living. Wrapping up,
We turn to the legacy of Brian Thompson, navigating the complexities of his rise and fall as CEO of UnitedHealthcare, and contemplating the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death. This episode promises a comprehensive exploration of the intersections between politics, economy, and society.
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Thank you for listening to this episode of HuttCast, the American Podcast. We hope you enjoyed today's discussion and gained valuable insights. To stay updated on our latest episodes, be sure to subscribe to our podcast on your preferred listening platform. Don't forget to leave us a rating and review, as it helps others discover our show. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for future topics, please reach out to us through our website or social media channels. Until next time, keep on learning and exploring the diverse voices that make America great.
Secretly recorded from deep inside the bowels of a decommissioned missile silo. We bring you the man, one single man, who wants to bring light to the darkness and dark to the lightness. Although he's not always right, he is always certain. So now, with security protocols in place, the protesters have been forced back behind the barricades and the blast doors are now sealed. Without further delay, let me introduce you to the host of HuttCast, Mr Tim Huttner.
Speaker 2:Thank you, sergeant-at-arms. You can now take your post. The views and opinions expressed in this program are solely those of the individual and participants. These views and opinions expressed do not represent those of the host or the show. The opinions in this broadcast are not to replace your legal, medical or spiritual professionals. Happy Sunday, 12-8-2024, on HuttCast. Guess what? We're going to have all kinds of conversations, so follow me, stay with me, keep up to speed. Today's episode the Economy. Today's episode the economy conversations of a democratic victim base Mr Walls Walls. Mr Walls, I don't want to use the word governor, but hey, I don't know, sometimes it is what it is. He's back at his old shenanigans. And then BT, which is for Brian Thompson, a local guy from around my parts, and we're going to have kind of a little conversation about that. Sorry as it is, sometimes you've got to talk about this stuff to just find out what goes on. I mean, it's kind of crazy. Stand by podcast.
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Speaker 2:Welcome back to HuttCast. As mentioned in pre-roll, we have a couple of things to get over, and I literally mean get over. I'm going to start out with our conversations of a Democratic victim base, the victims, the feel-gooders, the guys who, gals and gals, the people who think that they've been victimized by our current presidential status. How do you feel about that, guys? Whether you win or lose, whether you're cheering or you're screaming, whether you're ecstatic or crying, this is still our current situation. I don't even say it's a situation. I say it's enough about how we didn't put up with the last four years to not have anything different to happen. Make it this way. I mean, look at the whole picture here. You know, everybody says I'm a Trumper, a Trumpansy, whatever those little knickknacks are those euphemisms for what we do. As a conservative, as a, I always think of myself as a on the fence, both sides, and I always have. I always told you guys that. But now you got these people who are traumatized. They're going to throw their feelings in this. They're upset, they're mad, they're screaming. I've talked to some people. I'm in a position of my job where I can actually get out and talk to a lot of people, and sometimes it's some pretty good information. You got to wonder why would you be so traumatized by a president? He wasn't a good pick, but he was the only pick we had, Just like Kamala was their only pick, and we've had discussions in the past about Kamala was their only pick, and we've had discussions in the past about Kamala how she was installed. Not chosen by you, by any of you left right centers. That wasn't a choice, that was a democracy was on the ballot this time. It always has been, but now is even more so. So what was our only choice? The Trumper, the guy, the guy who is the narcissist. He's just what he is. So we had someone that you didn't put in there from the dnc and you have someone who is put in there by the rnc. A lot has going on with this.
Speaker 2:So these, these victims, they're they're so-called victims now the victim base. I call the victim base because they're never going to switch to a Trump and the Trumpers never going to switch to a Dems. But if you listen to them, I had a couple of guys come in. They were conservatives let's say that Conservatives, republicans, could be a Democrat, conservative and they tell me how their younger kids, their family just blew gaskets all over the place as soon as they found out, crying and holding each other. And I looked at the guy and I says, dude, what did you do? And he says, well, what could I do? I said, well, a, you could straighten them out. B you could fix their delusional whatever. And all he said which was made me think of why the left constantly kicks the right's butt I didn't want to get involved.
Speaker 2:I did not get involved with your own family. I did not say you know, you guys need to shut up. Where was the tough love? You have to remember that nothing's going to change like you think it is. Nothing's going to be as bad as you always say it is. We lived through the, the old biden years. We lived through the both of biden years. We I don't think we could have had a really very prosperous economy with uh camellia at the helm, because she just had, she had zero policy. All she had was lipstick and bullcrap. So these victims, these Democratic victims and I say Democratic socialist victims, not the real Democrats, not the JFKs, not the people who in the old days are considered Republicans now, not those people, not the polarized, but the crazies, the so far left that, and we have them on the rights and we have them in the. There's all over the place.
Speaker 2:There's no better, there's just different. We're all saying the same thing, we're just saying it differently. And when they play this victim and they have these tantrums and they jump up and down and they come on, come on, people. You know, I would think that most people listening to this show other than across the pond, different countries. You have your factions and whatever that equates to. In your factions, everybody has their home base. They have their pick, but nobody really engages it, except this time in the USA, we engaged. Now, if you look at the election, trump's numbers in this year, in 2024, were way less than he had in 20 when he was beating Biden. Where did all the numbers go?
Speaker 2:I mean like a lot of numbers. So where did all these voters come from last time? How do we have 108% turnout? I'll give you my theory. I don't want to do the conspiracy theorists, but turnout. I'll give you my theory. I don't want to do the conspiracy theorists, but, however, I'll give you a point of order on this, because sometimes you just got to go. Really, this doesn't even make sense from any point of view. Okay, so here's the gig we talked about in the past being installed Biden and Trump have their conversation. It was on televised. Trump just sat back and let Biden speak. He couldn't even bother interrupting anything because Joe was digging a hole so deep he couldn't do better than what Joe did for Trump's campaign, and he absolutely did an excellent job.
Speaker 2:So then the Dems go oh crap, they knew that Biden was going to run this whole time. They knew joe was going to be on top of the thing. So if you were the factions of the left and you wanted to organize a setup election and this election has certain factions of it that get kind of magically put involved 108 turnout never happens, should happen how would you orchestrate that? Here's how I would orchestrate it. Okay, we know Sleepy Joe is going to run. We know he can't. If I was the DNC, pick in doing all this, we know that he can certainly clear the DNC primaries because he's the president. Then he can say no to them. He's the president, then you can say no to him. Then his mental state deteriorates fast. I mean super fast, or was it always deteriorated? They won't tell us the truth. I mean think about it.
Speaker 2:He had enough cognitive theory to stand up there and talk to Trump, and what a good job he did for Trump. Then Sleepy Joe comes up and says, okay, I just can't do this, and he's really screwing up on the debate. So the debate's in there, it's done. He's getting his butt kicked. Trump sits back, giggles and now they realize, oh crap, we can't do this. So, okay, now, follow me.
Speaker 2:Now, if all these people have voted and they're going to vote early, and they're going to vote this, that, the other, but they can have any type of vote. And remember, in the 2020 election, where Trump was ahead by like 12%, we went to bed, he woke up and he was 40% behind. I don't know about you, but I don't believe in magic or coincidence. So, magically, from the 2 o'clock in the morning to the 5, 6 o'clock in the morning, the world takes those numbers and magically puts them in place. Well, why didn't it work this time? I'll tell you why Because they weren't planning on Sleepy Joe to be that sleepy they had. My opinion is and this is strictly my opinion they had all these ballots printed up, they had them all set up, and this is a very big, big process. You look at the big process in the world and this is a huge, huge section of printing. Do you think you can print that many ballots to be not that many unknown, to be not noticed by somebody, someone or something? I mean, you'd have to have a huge, huge Shutterfly type of printing program to print that much stuff, to keep it quiet, to keep it in the back of a truck, to get it dispersed to all these voting stations. I mean, think about the logistics of that. That takes months, months and months of planning. But they didn't plan on that.
Speaker 2:When Sleepy Joe couldn't hold a cognitive sentence, what did they do? Well, they did the best thing they could they put in Kamala. So here comes Kamala no policies, no common sense, no things that I would say are presidential in a way, to throw her in this and say, okay, you're in, but we can't guarantee your vote because now we've missed that vote. Are you following me now? They had it planned, it was rigged. If Sleepy Joe could have just made it happen some more, then they would have just put the what is it? 27th Amendment I've got to check that and then slide her in position because he wanted to sound mind to run. A company or a corporation or even a country. Couldn't run it, couldn't do it. They slide her in there. Boom, done happens. The next election is going to be an incumbent election.
Speaker 2:When Kamala finishes out the 24 to 28 version, I don't know, maybe I'm reaching, but think about the big term thing. Sit back and say really. Someone once told me if you want to get somebody's attention, blame them, poke at them. What you do is you blame them of exactly the same thing you're doing. I think it was Stalin said this you blame them the exact same thing you're doing, before they blame you of actually doing it because you're doing it, and you will shut them up and they will be the bad guys because they're first ones to talk. Think about this, people. A lot of things happen in this country, a lot of stuff going on. Am I worried? No, does it bother me? Yeah, it bothers me that she was installed versus she could run for it Again. You know my feelings on this. The DNC had some pretty good talent on their side and yet they neglected to use the democratic process to obtain. That's where it bit them.
Speaker 1:I'm okay with that. Let them bite it.
Speaker 2:Let them get that taste of hey, let's run things fair instead of unfair, which, again, I cannot prove. Therefore, it becomes my opinion, as the header says in front of this video or for audio. It's not that I'm always right, but am I always certain? And I am pretty certain of this. Okay, so what do we got here? We got the conservatives on the Democratic victim base See, hear, react. Okay, we got that one covered. So let's talk about some local stuff for us. But I have to take a commercial break. I have to stand by because I actually have to take a commercial break. So for Headcast, stand by. We're about 12 minutes into this first segment. We'll be right back.
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Speaker 2:And this is all brought to you from Gareth Pair. Welcome back, guys. Thanks for coming back. Okay, what a crazy world we live in. How about that? All right, I told you in the last end of the last segment that we're going to have a Tim Walls conversation.
Speaker 2:Now, nobody knows this guy better than most Minnesotans. You might not know him across the world. You sure as heck don't know him in other countries. You probably don't want to know him. But here's what I can tell you now. He's back to his old tricks. That's what I meant by this. He's back to his old say one thing, do another, spin it around, blame it on somebody else, point fingers.
Speaker 2:But this time I mentioned to you that I feel a little different about it. This time it's with intent, this time it's with demeanor. It's like he's mad, he's angry. When you see him talk about it. You can see the eyebrows tweak and the nose snarl up and the face and the jaws get tight. I wonder what's happening to Mr Walls, because right now he seems like a tyrant. That's what I see, that's what I'm seeing right now. He had a press conference with some people I don't know what the station was, but it was. You know who cares, who cares what he was talking about and he snapped at this dude, this reporter, and not like he would snap at a reporter, not like he'd get cranky and upset, upset of some sort, you wouldn't get that he just got nasty, mean I guess the campaign trail is a little harder than you think it is.
Speaker 2:Huh, this ain't the same guy that runs out on stage hip-hopping and slapping his hands and pointing fingers, and that ain't the guy you've seen on the news. And if anybody's ever read the book by paul kazalka, paul kazalka, he has a very, uh, very unique position about mr walls because he worked at the senate majority leader of minnesota for many years the republican senate majority leader, by the way and he has some pretty good intel. Better, pick up his book. Paul kazalka google that name. Buy his book. Paul E Kozalka Google that name. Buy his book. Get it, for instance, for yourself. Judge your own opinions, make your own whatevers. Yeah, kind of funny, but he's cranky.
Speaker 2:And here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to do this just because, well, I know what it's like to run. I personally have taken making runs for office and it ain't what you think it is. It's a lot of work. I don't care if you're at the national level or local level, I don't care if it's whatever it is. Think about things like oh God, where do I start? First of all, you've got to fund this thing. You've got to realize if you're going to take money or if you're not going to take money.
Speaker 2:Now on a local level. If you take money from a company, a person, an individual, you have to justify that money on your report, your SOS, the Secretary of State reports. They have to be licensed people, licensed business licensed people who want to give to your campaign. And don't think that it's not without some baggage people. You will have baggage. One of our cities, close to us, has some situations going on where an individual took money and now he's in front of the same individual that has oversight to these people. Now do you think that, with this oversight that he has, he's donated to his campaign? And the people that gave the money aren't you think they're looking at him going? Yeah, it's time for a favor, a payback, Absolutely, absolutely.
Speaker 2:But here's the twist that this Democrat did. He said, yes, I took money, but it was in the last election, not this one. And boy did the people come out of the woodwork to support that and all the true people, all the real people, pretty much knew what was going on. I don't care if you took money in the 80s. The 2000s are in George Jetson world. If you take cash, you owe them forever. But see, some of these people in their city didn't think that it was a thing. Oh no, no, it was last time. I've already disclosed that.
Speaker 2:Well, if you've already come out, back to what I said earlier, if you're going to blame or accuse the people of doing what you're doing, you blame them first and then you keep on doing what you're doing, because that's what happened, that's what's going down, it's what he did. Well, I did take it, but I took it then and he just couldn't put that together and that cost him his election, because people pay attention, and people pay attention quickly and they're saying hold on here, you took cash. This person that cashed you is in front of you. They're in front of you for some type of a political favor, and here they are. And you don't think that's a CI, a conflict of interest.
Speaker 2:Absolutely it is. So think about that, people, when you're out there doing things like this. And with Mr Walls God, I hope he gets out this last term, this next term, because now he's midterm, he's two years in and he'll make the next two, which will be an off cycle for us as a city, as a state, and we almost flipped this state to begin with. I mean really almost flipped it, not scaring the snot out of the left as it should.
Speaker 2:And that was a presidential Trump thing that we're trying to win.
Speaker 4:And they did win.
Speaker 2:So there, figure that out. But I was going to tell you why I actually support running for office and doing things, because I've been in that shoe, I've pounded on that door, I've knocked on all those doors. You've done the process. You've done the democratic process, the earning of it, not the appointment of it. And it doesn't mean that if you're appointed, it doesn't mean you're going to care any less. You take the same oath as the one who worked and pounded the doors. You absolutely take the same. You absolutely take that same oath of office.
Speaker 2:But when you are on that trail, the campaign trail, it's 24-7 of your day, it's nights, weekends, it's holidays. There's no taking time off. It's strategy, it's who's going to be doing what for you, who's going to be doing setups and do we have a candidate forum? And oh, yeah, it's kind of a thing. I ran twice, didn't make it, got my butt kicked twice Twice by incumbents. So I know how to run an incumbent race and lose. Yeah, that was the easy part. The hard part was getting over it Eventually get over it.
Speaker 2:But hey, I'm telling you it's real and Waltz is coming off the trail. He's got the hate in him. People are seeing it. It takes a lot of audio. He's no spring chicken. He's in his what? Early 60s, late 50s. He's no spring chicken. That ain't easy.
Speaker 2:He had unlimited funding by the DNC, and when I mean unlimited, I mean unlimited. He could spend money. He could pay money to spend money, to waste money All in the same dollar Unbelievable. And they still couldn't get past. But again, I remember that I told you in the last segment that, absolutely, ballot harvesting is a thing and they couldn't get past it. It was there, they were stuck on it. Nothing more could be more true than that. Yeah, so for Mr Waltz to feel that way, I get it. I see his point. I've been there.
Speaker 2:You got the hating for all kinds of things and now he's got to come back to his job, which he shouldn't have never had. He should have had to. Anytime you run for an office, a higher office, and you're in an office, my opinion is you should be able to. You're supposed to be able to move on and be uncovered by the actual. You're doing this, but he didn't. He still kept his office.
Speaker 2:And how do we allow that as a state? How do we say oh, you go right ahead, your job. We voted you in to run this state and now you're on the campaign trail. Would you have dumped us in a heartbeat? Well, that's got to say something. That's got to say a lot of something. Can't blame him for taking it, can't? You cannot blame the guy for taking it, but you can blame the guy for not resigning his position now and letting our Peggy Flanagan take over and run the rest of the two years. I'm more okay with that. Come on, peggy, show us what you got. Yeah, you can't write this stuff. This stuff happens. I'm not making this up out of my bag of magic tricks and saying, oh, we're doing this and this and this, because it is actually doing it, it's happening. Yeah, kind of crazy, isn't it? Kind of really weird how things are just happening. It came in again. You can hear the disgust in my voice sometimes and I'll be doggone if I can mask that, because I can't. It's that stupid. It's that stupid.
Speaker 4:It's that stupid.
Speaker 2:So for Waltis to be that way, I do get it. If you've ever tried it, live it go do it. Go see how easy it is or isn't. But it's his old bag of tricks. He's all spitting up, he's all got his old. I don't know if you pay attention to state politics. Wrong choice in the beginning, wrong choice in the end. Even the DNC voters are like, yeah, we're not going to push this through. You talk to some people out of state, they say, well, he seems like a good guy.
Speaker 2:Yeah he could be Not for us, not for your vice president no better than the vice president we have now. Camilla, I'm kind of interested to see how Vance is going to do. I don't know Vance, and if I look at Vance like someone looks at Waltz, how's this going to go? Do I not know enough about Vance to be like Waltz is now for someone else at another state? Oh, he looks like a good guy. Just because he's got an R next to that, that don't mean nothing. Maybe a loose nut behind the wheel? We wouldn't know the difference. So pay attention to how he does things, how engaged he is, how engaged Trump will let him be. It's a thing. Pay attention. This is why we have politics. Don't let the politics do you. You do politics. Actually, weirdly enough, a senator told me that once.
Speaker 2:Hey you do politics, don't let politics do you. Actually, weirdly enough, a senator told me that once hey, you do politics, don't let politics do you. Makes sense. People who get things done show up. If you don't show up, you don't get things done. Go back under your rock. Don't worry about the economy, don't worry about your anything. Don't worry about kids peeing in cat litter boxes because they want to be free for animals or whatever you call those Furries. That's what they are. They're called furries and if they're called furries and our states and our school boards and our people are letting this happen, you should probably focus on that, a little Focus on what's going on. Even if you don't have kids in school, kick back and say, hey, hold on here now, hold on. What's going on? That's at our state level. That's happening in this state of Minnesota, in my undisclosed location of a bunker. Does that happen in your school? Is that what's happening around you? You know, look at the map, pretty red map. There are just certain areas that are blue and that's all it takes to kind of win A couple of blue areas. Even the Democrats won't vote Democrat, the conservative Democrats, how do I put it? But anyway, pay attention. All right, what do we got here we are, oh, 15 minutes.
Speaker 2:All right, we're going to move on to the next segment here and we're going to take another break. We're going to kick back and listen to another commercial that these guys are. They support us, so I'm going to support them. That's just the way it is, and they are wonderful people for our show. Some of our show sponsors are gold sponsors. They've been on the show, love them to death and I think I'm giving them their homage. Hey, thanks for supporting the show. So, hudcast, stand by, I'll be back with the next segment and let's talk our economy and these businesses. I next segment and let's talk. Let's talk our economy and these businesses. I'll tell you what I'm seeing out in the world. Stand by. Now a word from our sponsors. Today's sponsor, in part by excel roofing. Excel roofing, they do it all roofs, siding, framing. You need a house. Give excel a call. I've used these guys personally in the past. Have a professional crew crew. They're conscious of your job and they want to produce the finest quality of craftsmanship available. Excel Roofing 763-712-0757. Again, 763-712-0757. Excel Roofing, dayton, minnesota 0757. Excel Roofing, dayton, minnesota. And welcome back to Hoodcast.
Speaker 2:This segment is going to be about the economy. I want you to pay attention to certain things around you in this economy. They always said the last four years were the best of ever. You know I'm not disputing they had good times. They had bad times, but you know, you had the times. What I don't understand is when a loaf of bread costs you $5, when it used to cost you $0.29, consider that not being a good time. You can't believe that. So in your own life of things, and you go to the gas pumps, you go to the grocery stores, you pay your insurance bills how about those being out of control? I want you to focus on a couple things, and here's what it's all going to come down to. I'm going to show to you in this segment that there are certain things that happen election pre election, and I want you to take notice out in the world when you're out doing your things. Just to remember this segment on HotCast Say hey he was right.
Speaker 2:Again, I'm not always right, but I am always certain and I'm certainly going to tell you what I think right now. Pay attention. Let's look at the TV shows. Okay, who noticed when Obama come in Way back and in between commercials you have all these want to sell you a car, whatever it is.
Speaker 2:And all of a sudden, all the actors now are all black actors Everywhere. Bet was a big thing. It's just huge. And this ain't a race thing. This has absolutely nothing to do with that. This has something to do with they're priming their next customer, their next base. How about when? Oh, biden jumps in? Now, everything's happy holidays. Because Christianity, it offends me. I can't say Christmas, everything's happy holidays, everything. And now look what's happening in the 24 election. That's right. Look what's happening. Merry Christmas, happy New Year.
Speaker 2:There's a little more God back in the TV world. I mean, it's just, it's what's happening. There's a little more God on social networks. There's a little more God in, and whatever your God is I mean, I don't know, it's your thing Pay attention to what they're doing there. They're priming this, they're doing that, they're settinging this, they're doing that. They're setting you up this mind control thing which the dumb public radio and public TVs and that's why I like streaming. I can cut the commercials out, cut the stupid stuff out. I don't have to watch the propagandist crap. Of course, someone might be thinking this is propagandist. It could be. I don't plan it that way. So if I'm propagandizing you, maybe you got the wrong channel here. Flip the channel, because I'm trying to get the truth out here, paying attention to what's going on.
Speaker 2:So let's look at things. The economy You're seeing. What are you seeing out in the businesses? Well, I can tell you one thing as a business, you can see certain things that are trending different now. You used to sit back and go oh God, what plant is going to burn down now, so that the supply you need isn't going to come around, so that now you're going to pay $18 for a $2 part or $7 for a gallon of fuel when it's normally maybe $2. Fuck $80. Do you think we'll see those this year? Think we'll see those when Trump starts spinning things up, turns the pumping back on in North Dakota, because when Biden shut that off, there's a whole lot of friends of mine who listen to this show who are out there saying really, now what are we going to do? They can get fuel in our own stores, in our own ground. They want to buy the foreign stuff, probably because Biden has financial interests with Hunter and offshore oiling from Saudi Arabia or whoever place. Really, come on, guys, that's not America.
Speaker 2:First Go to the store, buy some bread. You can't go to a grocery store, a local around here and fill up a cart and not be $700 for a cart. Think of what $700 buys you 10 years ago. You roll the damn truck up to the front door and start loading it up for $700. Now what do you get? Some foo-foo-foo crap and some herbal, grown, natural whatever. And I get there's a lot of stuff. Okay, if before you start sending little emails, hold on to your pens. I understand chemicals and foods and yes, it's always cheaper to hormonally grow something versus homogenally. So don't go all freaking out and getting these emails. Let it up and on my facebook page because I get you, but pay attention to how things are. Let's see what the Kennedy guy does when he takes over the food egg. I'm kind of excited about that.
Speaker 2:The Health and Human Services portion of the LeVie gal guy thing. I'm glad LeVie's out. I don't know about you, but if you think that that's the human human, I wonder what's the word I'm looking for If that's what the America thinks is healthy. Take a look at this thing. I'm not a fan. I wouldn't care if it's a guy or a gal. If it was a guy gay or a gal gay, it wouldn't matter to me there. But this thing was a guy at one time and he's gendered, or whatever. It is Okay, all right. And a guy at one time and he's gendered or whatever, it is Okay, all right. And and and there's our health and human services director, our, our, our general for the for the whole United States. That's a, that's the thing. And. And the guy with the no hair and lipstick and a beard and a goatee wearing dresses. I don't even know what he does. I don't want to know, I don't want to Google him and let my browser get tasted with that crap. Yeah, how does that work? Come?
Speaker 2:on guys, it's America, common sense. You want to do your stuff, do it in your own privacy, don't force someone else on it. But anyway, you got me sidetracked. Gosh, darn it. You guys. Okay, back to what. Are you seeing out in the world? All right, four years ago you couldn't buy a pickup for $80,000, $100,000. Now they're coming down. Oh, and now everybody's sticking electric cars up your butt. Gm's going to do the global initiative.
Speaker 2:Ford has stopped their electronic production of their Ford vehicles, the EV vehicles. I guess it don't work Really. Us gas and piston guys know better. You really didn't think that would work. It's gonna. I absolutely am crossing my fingers that it will. It just ain't yet, but it ain't gonna for a while until. And they made big strides on this battery thing. There's a lot of strides on this battery technology, but they can't get rid of the temperature compensation stride. Batteries get cold. They don't produce the same amount of electron flow as they do when they're at a temperature that are above freezing. Then what If you can get that hurdle? They're already past the capacitance hurdle that a battery can absorb more energy. Keep it in itself and then put it out and save it. The lithium polymer phosphates are the ones that corrected that problem, because this thing will do 100% output and then just shuts off done and it's three times longer than a flooded battery.
Speaker 2:Now let's go to the temperature compensated thing. Some manufacturers are putting heaters in there. They heat the battery to keep it going. So now you're using energy to keep the energy, to put the energy in so you could match a flooded one. I don't know, it's a vicious cycle, but this industry, this economy of electric vehicles, is now on its ear. Be interesting to see what Vance and Trump do on this one. Yeah, you heard me right, vance and Trump, not Trump and Vance. Kind of a Vance fan so far.
Speaker 2:But anyway, let's see what they do with this, let's see if they can make this happen. Let's see if they can now socially point our country in certain directions Again. When I started this said we have Merry Christmas again. We have Happy New Year. We have the things that. Merry Christmas again. We have Happy New Year. We have the things that used to be in our daily lives and if it offends you tough, you're offended because I say Merry Christmas, I don't care, I don't want to be around you and you shouldn't want to be around me.
Speaker 2:People on the left are now opting out of engaging on social platforms. Now I'm noticing that because of this economy and this current president Vance and Trump. Yeah, how do you think about that? Spin that around. Let's light this candle and see what we get with it, because I'm all up for it. Let's see here what else we got in my notes Business C scenery, christmas. Yeah, we got a lot of stuff. Just pay attention to your surroundings. These business things are going to be a pretty kick-butt deal.
Speaker 2:The next so-and-so. We don't want to keep pushing inflation through the roof. We don't want to keep adding to the debt ceiling. We've got a lot of debt ceiling right now and we'll never get out of this debt ceiling. It ain't going to happen. Trump will never make that happen. I don't care if he's Jesus Almighty coming down and saying, hey, we can fix this in two swipes. That ain't going to happen. He can't do it. He'll get better, I don't know. Economy's going to change because of the migration policy. Oh, you betcha. Yeah, you're going to see that in a heartbeat. He's not anti-Mexican, he's not anti-Mexican, he's not anti, he's just.
Speaker 2:If you want to come to this country, you do it the right way. Imagine if you were a Mexican family and you came into the United States the right way, the naturalization way. You did the procedure, you did the everything's all there. It's all. You've done this and all of a sudden, the border doesn't matter anymore. Why does it not matter? I would be upset, kind of like how they install a candidate on the DNC. It didn't go through the process, they just circumvented the process. Come on in everybody. We need voters. That's what I saw. If you want us, you vote DNC Every time. Oh, where do you live? Can you prove where you live there?
Speaker 4:No, well, come on in anyway.
Speaker 2:I don't know, guys, take a look at the, take a look at things. I'm I'm very hopeful. I'm very hopeful that we can make this economy a little nicer, a little more palatable. Can we, can we make this so that we don't fail and faint at the cash register buying our groceries, buying our stuff? So? So back to the trucks, cars. If our economy was to heal or better itself, let's ask the question of the old school if we bail them out, will that help them?
Speaker 2:Well, how many people understand the Rivian? Rivian R-I-V-I-A-N, the Rivian trucks. Choose your RT1, you choose your RT2 dual and your R1T Tri. Now, this is a truck company light duty, small fleet. And there's a very small thing here. Our economy decided to bail this company out and all they make is electric vehicles. Their job is to only make those things that we, hey, we're going to do the electric push. And what do they take? 20, some billion dollars bailout. Now let's look at the total. From what I understand in the network news from Detroit called the Detroit News, they've published a information piece that says the Rivian got the bailout, which equaled to $100,000 per vehicle that they built. Well, their trucks are $70,000, $80,000. They got a bailout to produce $100,000 of these trucks to get back on their feet. I'm sorry, when they say bailout, they say give them my money, your money, give them our money to bail this company out because they were on this initiative for the O'Biden group or for the O'Biden Electric for the O'Biden Again, I covered this in the previous. So what do you think of that? How does that sit with you? How does that sit with you in the regular world that we bailed them out Again another company and are we bailing people out now because they went the initiative electric ways?
Speaker 2:I don't know if it's a good vehicle or not. I have never seen one in my shop. I wouldn't know if it was a nice vehicle or a piece of crap. When I see them online, I've seen what's out there. I don't even know where there's a dealer. I think there's one, two. I've seen like 15 dealers Arizona, illinois, joshua Tree, washington, spokane, skogi. I mean, get on the website and look around, shop the gear. You can see it. They're using Rivian charge stations, which I'm assuming there's an adapter for all the other Tesla charge stations. I don't remember bailing out Tesla.
Speaker 2:Think about it, think about what's going on with this. Right now you could go to a dealer and their MSRP or their retail, which back in the day nobody ever paid retail. You always negotiated your vehicle. You can actually buy a truck now work truck, nothing fancy to do what you need to do and you're paying $35,000, $30,000 with incentives. Couldn't buy one before. You were paying just as much for a small truck as you were a half-ton truck. And if you're paying that much for a half-ton truck, well then you might as well buy a three-quarter ton, one ton.
Speaker 4:Kind of a thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, our economy, it's changing. It's changing. Let's see what happens. Pay attention to your commercials. Pay attention to what's going on on TV. Watch your news channels. See what's going on in the world. Buy American, for God's sakes. Yeah, buy American, like. Your job depends on it, because it does. Okay, what are we at? Oh, 15 minutes in this segment. All right, we're going to cut this one off. The economy is pretty much covered in today's show. Our next one is a very somber and law off. The economy is pretty much covered in today's show. Our next one is a very somber, a very somber conversation the Brian Thompson question. It wasn't even a question, it was just insane.
Speaker 2:I'm going to give you some insight on who are friends of mine and who are friends of his, and how they describe them. And oh boy, yeah, big mistake doing that one. Whoever did that, it's in the news. If you, whoever did that, it's in the news. If you live under a rock, it's the CEO of healthcare. Took a bullet and yeah, stand by, I'll be right back.
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Speaker 2:All right, this is a kind of a one that brings some symmetry around here, just because we you know some people, that we know people, and and of course, brian Thompson is a Minnesotan, he's a corporate figurehead, he is the guy in the local area, that is, you know, just one of us. So I want you to hear the verbatim, which I'll play here in a minute, wikipedia's version of what they say out in the world about this guy, and then I'm going to let you listen to it, and then at the end of this, I'm going to come back and I'm going to tell you exactly what the real people are saying about him, his friends, his people around him. And it's a sad, somber situation that we actually have to do this. It's a very sad, somber situation, but I want to play it. I want to play it and you see both sides of this fence, but at what point ever does it end up as this? So stand by.
Speaker 2:I'm going to play the verbatim from the Wikipedia, if you haven't looked it up already, and you'll hear the 13, 14, 15. You'll see some numbers in there which there's nothing I can do to take them out of there. I'm going to have my AI read it to you. It's pretty intelligent stuff, so stand by.
Speaker 4:Brian Thompson, businessman For the article on the murder of Brian Thompson on December 4th 2024,.
Speaker 4:Brian Robert Thompson, 1-2, july 10, 1974, december 4, 2024 was an American businessman. He was the chief executive officer CEO of United Healthcare, the insurance arm of UnitedHealth Group, from April 2021 until his killing in December 2024. Education Thompson was born on July 10, 1974, in Ames, iowa. One of two sons born to Dennis and Pat Knee. Hunter Thompson, 3-4-5. His father was a grain elevator worker. He was raised in the nearby area Jewell, iowa, and graduated in 1993 as the class valedictorian of South Hamilton High School in Jewell Junction, north of Ames. He then attended the University of Iowa in Iowa City, where he received a bachelor's degree in business administration with a major in accounting in 1997, and met his future wife 7. At the University of Iowa, he was also valedictorian Career. From 1997 to 2004,. Thompson worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers as a manager in the Transaction Advisory Services Group of the audit practice. He joined United Health Group in 2004, and was named the CEO of UnitedHealthcare government programs, which included Medicare and retirement, as well as community and state divisions. In 2021. His total compensation was $9.60, $1.21, $9.80, and $10.20. Under his leadership, unitedhealthcare's profits increased from $12 billion in 2021 to $16 billion in 2023. At the time of Thompson's death, the company was the largest health insurer in the United States. 13. The Associated Press said Thompson kept a low public profile. However, he received attention during an investor meeting in 2023 when he announced UnitedHealthcare was shifting to a value-based care model by paying doctors and other caregivers to keep patients healthy rather than focusing on treating them after they get sick. Reports of increasing rates of prior authorization denials prompted investigations by ProPublica and the United States Senate, investigations which were described as a stain on Thompson's time of leadership by Fortune. The Senate report published by the United States Senate Homeland Security Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations focused, in particular, on denials for Medicare Advantage plans serving the elderly and disabled. Fifth, the investigation revealed that in 2019, uhc's prior authorization denial rate was 8%. He became CEO in 2021, and by 2022 the rate of denial had increased to 22.7% For both Medicare and non-Medicare claims. Uhc declines claims at a rate which is double the industry average. 12. In 2021, thompson was criticized in an open letter from the American Hospital Association regarding a plan from UnitedHealthcare to start denying payment for what it deemed non-critical visits to hospital emergency rooms. Unitedhealthcare responded by delaying rollout of the change. Additionally, under his leadership, unitedhealthcare began using artificial intelligence to automate claim denials, resulting in their customers either incurring significant out-of-pocket medical bills or being unable to receive needed medical treatment. A lawsuit was filed against Thompson, unitedhealth chairman Stephen J Hemsley and two other senior executives in May 2024 for alleged fraud and insider trading due to failing to disclose an antitrust investigation into the company by the United States Department of Justice and by selling stock options before the probe was made public. 17. Data concerning these allegations and notice of its report to the Securities and Exchange Commission was initially published in the Minnesota Star Tribune in February 2024.
Speaker 4:9. Personal life Thompson was known to friends and colleagues as BT. He was married to Paulette Nerevese Thompson, a physical therapist and fellow University of Iowa graduate. 20. They had two sons, brian Thompson and his death. Brian Thompson and his family were residents of Maple Grove, minnesota At the time. He visited Ireland on several occasions as UnitedHealthcare's sister company, optum has operations in the country, and he was known to have enjoyed playing golf in Donegal, ireland. 24. He was the honorary co-chair of the 2026 Special Olympics USA Games and was noted to be a passionate advocate for the Special Olympics movement and a steadfast supporter of our mission to celebrate the abilities of athletes with intellectual disabilities. 25. Death On December 4, 2024, thompson was in New York for an annual UnitedHealthcare investors meeting.
Speaker 4:26. He left a Marriott Hotel where he was staying which was across the street from the New York Hilton Midtown where the meeting was held. As he was walking along West 54th Street toward the Hilton Midtown, at around 6.45 am local time, he was shot by a person dressed in a hooded jacket. 27. Thompson was taken to Mount Sinai West Hospital in Manhattan where at 7.12 am, he was pronounced dead.
Speaker 4:Twenty public officials, which included Minnesota Governor and former Democratic Vice President nominee, tim Walz and Senator Amy Klobuchar, expressed dismay and offered condolences to Thompson's family after the shooting. Twenty Democratic US Representative and former 2024 presidential candidate, dean Phillips, wrote that he was horrified by the assassination of my constituent Brian Thompson this morning in NYC and have his family in my prayers. In contrast, many ordinary people celebrated the killing and shared their contempt on social media for Thompson, unitedhealthcare and the American health insurance system. 31, 32, 33, 34. The Washington Post said that many people mocked Thompson's death and others felt satisfaction.
Speaker 4:5. One lecturer at Columbia University was quoted by the Financial Times as tweeting Today we mourn the deaths of 68,000 Americans who needlessly die each year so that insurance company execs like Brian Thompson can become multi-millionaires. While one physician told the Daily Beast that they sympathize with the family and said the perpetrators should be brought to justice for the killing, but also said that Thompson's role as CEO had led to a great number of suffering Americans on the order of millions, in Washington Square Park, at least six masked men competed in a look-alike contest for the shooter At the house. 39,. Shortly following the death, rival insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield canceled a plan to stop covering the cost of anesthesia for longer surgeries. 41-40. Likewise, shortly following the death, two of the houses owned by Thompson's family were swatted. Three a number of health insurance companies removed details about their leadership teams from their websites or deleted the pages altogether.
Speaker 2:Okay, that was again Wikipedia's version of Mr Brian Thompson's bio. What I'm going to play to you next is a very critical piece of information, because a lot of the state's information, a lot of the New York state, they don't have this out there. Nobody's done any research on it, so I'm going to play you this section of it. So I want you to stand by and listen to what's actually going on, why they actually had these bullets that were printed and written on. So hold on a sec here I'm going to queue this up.
Speaker 5:Inscribed bullets, like those reportedly used in the killing of Brian Thompson, are highly unusual and are typically not standard issue for any branch of the military intelligence services or law enforcement agencies. However, they might be used in the following contexts, haber 1. Psychological Operations PSYOPs Purpose Sending a symbolic message to intimidate or influence behavior. Ops Purpose sending a symbolic message to intimidate or influence behavior. Examples inscribed bullets might be part of a staged incident to deliver a direct or implied threat. Known users, intelligence agencies, paramilitary groups or rogue elements conducting covert operations or two assassination techniques. Specialized equipment and intelligence agencies such as the CIA, mossad or KGB have historically been linked to tools designed for precision killings with unique identifiers or messages. Purpose Inscriptions on bullets could signal a claim of responsibility, issue a warning or create confusion around attribution. Hamsh. 3. Covert paramilitary or mercenary groups Use. Such groups might use symbolic bullets for intimidation or to enhance their mystique. Examples Private military contractors or rogue actors with access to military-grade equipment.
Speaker 5:4. Propaganda or terrorism Message Inscribed bullets could be used by terrorist organizations to symbolize grievances or to amplify fear through symbolic violence. 5. Special Forces or Intelligence Agency Experiments. While standard military and intelligence procedures would not typically include personalized or inscribed ammunition, specialized units conducting black ops might adopt unconventional tools for psychological impact or strategic deception. Okay, you hear what's going on. You see why I wanted you to hear.
Speaker 2:First of all, let's put the human back in brian bt, because I said, like I said beginning, there were some friends that I have, a friends of his and and they are, they're hurting right now and I get that. But I also want you to understand what this mass information thing that's coming out, because, I mean, unless you live under a rock, you don't hear this. Then this is what's going on and for you guys in other countries, this is what's going on here in the country. Get a chance, google it up. Our hearts go out to Brian and his family. And now I'm going to tell you what Brian's legacy is. I mean, what his friends said about him. He's an upstanding guy. He is one of the few that actually fought for better coverages for their patients. He was the opposite of what Wikipedia was saying towards the end there, that he was probably the only guy that was out there fighting for let's have a better model and I don't know the intricacies of this AI model that they're using on their side value-added model. I mean, whose value is it for? I don't know, but let's not forget he's a Minnesotan, he's a family man, he's a friend.
Speaker 2:There's all these people out there that care about him and if you want to assassinate somebody, I mean really the head of companies. But you know, I see the point of you take the snake and cut the head off it. That's why there was a Trump assassination attempt more than once. How many assassinations attempted did Biden and all the other guys get? They didn't get any. Who's the last president to be attempted assassination?
Speaker 2:Reagan, and before that you had JFK, and before that you're back in the 1800s and how can you trust the data from that? 1900s, 1909, I think there was a couple One. So if you think about, just because you're the head of a company, why you would take that shot at someone who, well, I mean probably didn't make this up, I mean it's probably under his leadership, but no different than anybody else in the world, whether you're a company head or whether you're a head of a committee, if you're a head of a state organization, I don't know, this is a tough one. This is pretty tough because it hits so close to home to a lot of my friends that knew him personally, used to hang out with him, used to yeah, kind of a tough one. I don't have enough good intel to say and I would never bring them people on the show and say, okay, what's your thoughts, because I know what they think.
Speaker 4:I know what they're thinking this is insane.
Speaker 2:They're finding more and more clues. They're finding the water bottle. Let's see where this thing lands. Let's see if this is a gun control thing or if this is a mental illness thing or if this is a vengeance thing. I mean, if you listen to that section of the actual bullets part pretty interesting research on that I dug pretty deep into that and I says, okay, how do we, how do we, what do we know and how do we play that and how do we make this sound like? Okay, is this a conspiracy thing or is this a? Well, I think we can end the conspiracy thing because they shot him. That's pretty much done. Now we just got to figure out why we can't turn our conspiracies into, why we have to figure them out and say, okay, if they catch this guy alive, if they catch him, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I watched the video. There's a lot of things I didn't see that made sense and I know if you're a, if you're a paid professional, first of all, they don't see you on tv, they don't. You're not buying coffee, you're not got a mask on Again, a mask thing. Here's a guy in plain out view seven in the morning got a mask on, got a hoodie on. Now just imagine pre-COVID. Now this is what kind of gets me about this whole mask crap.
Speaker 2:Pre-covid, you'd walked out in a mask. You'd have been the guy on the street going okay, what's going on here? What'd they do back in the old days when you robbed somebody, you put a mask on. Well, now you could just walk down the street with a mask and they don't know what you're going to do, because you've taken away that element of caution. It's gone. You can't go back and say, oh, I saw this guy walking with a mask. It didn't draw your attention because of some plandemic. Pretty crazy, isn't? It Got a hoodie. Okay, back in the 70s you wore a hoodie. You were a thug. They knew exactly how to call you out. Now, today, you wear a hoodie and a mask and you're just some guy on Tuesday. People, there's got to be a better way of picking people out of crowds.
Speaker 2:And the pictures of these guys' shirts, these jackets, you know if you look at them, one's got a button down and the other one's got a buckle down and it's not making any sense. So this is where I can't trust my news to give me the good information Again they're going to give us rotten Intel Jake Giles-looking people. You know the guy, the actor, who looks just like him. I mean, if you look at his eyes you can't trust it, you can't say okay. Well then something happened, something changed.
Speaker 2:Look at the pictures for yourself. I mean incredible, incredible difference of jackets. We can't see enough color because it's grainy and it's dark and fuzzy and there's no definition there. But that's typical security cameras. Unless you spend some real money on cameras, you get what you get. You see, big pictures do big things and detail is very minimal. And I know this because I have a ton of cameras. I know which ones I'm paid the real money for and the ones that are just showing me a body. Strategic places require strategic cameras, very definition-related. I've got cameras that'll tell you an LPR, a license plate reader, from a quarter mile away. I mean, you get within a quarter mile of a certain facility of mine and I've already got your numbers. So yeah, I'm kind of glad we have some security.
Speaker 2:Some security footage was just to get these guys closer. And another thing don't make any sense to me. He's got a battery in his backpack. As far as what they're saying, I'm not sure about that and you're left on a bike, but then you get there in a cab. How do you get there in a cab and leave on a bike? Now I do understand why they did the battery pack thing, because those battery packs aren't on the bikes, according to what someone says. In New york, you take the bike, you run, you got to buy a pack or you got to get a pack out of some vending machine and then you unlock the bike. Well, you got time to unlock a bike, carry a battery, do all this stuff. Come on, they don't even make any sense. Again, it's an active investigation. They're still hunting for people, but they want to. They want the public help, but they're giving them sideways information so that maybe you can milk something out of the intel.
Speaker 2:I think Mary would do better than that in New York. There's a family grieving over here in Minnesota, not far from where I'm at, and you can't do better than that. You've got two boys, 21 and 22, years of age, that are now without a dad and soon to be without a grandpa. If these guys get married and have kids, I mean, and a wife, come on. I think New York needs to do a lot better than this. But I'm not criticizing because I'm not in the mix. I just see what I see because I got information given to me by news organizations I cannot trust.
Speaker 2:Form your own opinion, people, what do you say? What's in your mind? Engage yourself, look at it and, for God's sakes, if social media puts out a program for this guy's funeral, please, please, give to this guy. I mean not that he needs it, but support. Give him support. Give him something for their family to look forward to, knowing that, hey, you took a father from somebody, a husband, a brother, a friend.
Speaker 2:Pretty insensitive world we're in. It's only going to get worse if we don't stop this. Either way, guys, I wanted to throw that at you and I appreciate you. Thank you for listening to the show. Form your opinions, be heard, be vocal and show up, because people who show up get stuff done other than that. Uh, happy sunday. I'm going to launch this out and you have a rest of your wonderful sunday. Sorry to leave you on such a bummer note, but I appreciate it. And you ukrainians? Yes, I did get your messages. I do hope trump kind of spins around on you and helps you out, and officially we're, I don't know. I just yeah, I hope it works out. I hope we can help. All right, signing off. I've cast until next time and that's a wrap for hut cast. Hut cast is again a pragmatic approach to seeing things how some people see them. If you like our show, give us a thumbs up on the Facebook site Again for HuttCast. Thank you again. Have a wonderful evening, thank you.