
Survival and Justice on the Apple River: Dissecting the Deadly Incident and Its Legal Aftermath


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Imagine being caught in a harrowing tale of survival, where the tranquility of a river tubing excursion spirals into a deadly clash.   Join us as the harrowing trial of Nikolai Mio, facing grave charges for an incident on the Apple River that ended in tragedy. The courtroom becomes a battleground of narratives; we scrutinize the prosecution's depiction of Mio as an aggressor against the defense's image of a man engulfed by the tide of self-defense. Learn about the nuances of mob psychology, the significance of bystander intervention, and the piercing impact of violence in an expectedly serene environment. Our discussion offers a stark reminder of the complexities inherent in deciphering truth from perception and underscores the importance of understanding each layer of this multifaceted case.

As we navigate the legal strategies employed, casting light on the arduous task of defending the accused amidst a web of youthful offenders?  and blurred lines of culpability. Through a critical lens, we appraise the judicial system's binary method of adjudicating sensitive matters, highlighting the challenges and responsibilities it bears. We invite our listeners to contemplate the sobering reality that what we perceive isn't always the full story, encouraging a deeper look at the formidable challenges faced in the heat of conflict and the critical need for de-escalation. This episode offers not just a meticulous examination of a case that has captivated the public, but also a profound discussion on the broader implications of violence and the search for justice.

Gene German
Certified Firearms Instructor - Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida
Graith Care Independent Patient Advocate medical advocacy, consultation, advice US and International

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Speaker 1:

2, 3, 4. 2, 3, 4. Secretly recorded from deep inside the bowels of a decommissioned missile silo, we bring you the man, one single man, who wants to bring light to the darkness and dark to the lightness. Although he's not always right, he is always certain. So now, with security protocols in place, the protesters have been forced back behind the barricades and the blast doors are now sealed. Without further delay, let me introduce you to the host of HuttCast, mr Tim Huttner.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Sergeant-at-Arms.

Speaker 3:

You can now take your post. The views and opinions expressed in this program are solely those of the individual and participants. These views and opinions expressed do not represent those of the host or the show.

Speaker 2:

The opinions in this broadcast are not to replace your legal, medical or spiritual professionals no-transcript footage and we'll play that back for you guys and you can see for yourself what's happening. And then we're going to discuss what I've seen in the videos. Stand by HuttCast right back.

Speaker 3:

Buying a gun is no ordinary purchase. Whether you're a hunter, competitive shooter or self-defense is your priority. There are many kinds of guns and many kinds of training programs.

Speaker 2:

You use your brain all the time.

Speaker 3:

You will rarely need to use your gun Before you find yourself in a situation where you need to make a critical decision. Make sure your training is the best you can get. It could be the difference between life and death or freedom or detention.

Speaker 2:

For the best quality training. Check out PermitToCarryus If you live in Minnesota or Wisconsin, or even Florida.

Speaker 3:

Give Gene German a call 612-388-2403. That's permit to carry US. Or call Gene German at 612-388-2403.

Speaker 4:

Hudson, wisconsin. Wcco Investigators say video from July 2022 shows Nikolai Mio being pushed and hit by a group of tubers on the river before he stabbed five people, killing 17-year-old Isaac Schumann. The victims ranged in age from 17 to 24 and were from Wisconsin and Minnesota. Trial for a 54-year-old prior lake man accused of killing a teen and stabbing four others on the Apple River in Wisconsin nearly two years ago began on Monday. Witnesses said Mio was initially in the river with goggles and a snorkel. A group of tubers accused of him of looking at young girls underwater, but Mio told investigators he was looking for a friend's missing cell phone. The prosecution argues that Mio was the aggressor by stabbing five people. A knife believed to belong to Mio was later recovered by officers on the river bank. Mio's defense attorneys, though, see it much differently, saying the teens taunted him, then surrounded him and Mio was fighting for his life. He is charged with first-degree intentional homicide and Schumann's death and attempted first-degree intentional homicide in Schumann's death and attempted first-degree intentional homicide in the stabbings of Riley Madison, aj Martin, dante Carlson and Tony Carlson. He pleaded not guilty to all charges in September 2022. If convicted, mio could be sentenced to life in prison. Trial began with the opening statement from state prosecutor Carl Anderson, who called the deadly attack senseless and horrific. All Nikolai had to do was walk away. Anderson said he eventually did walk away, but not after stabbing five people. Ngo with his tubing group, wcco. Anderson showed several screenshots from two videos taken by one of the members of Schumann's group identified as John C. Anderson said a member of Mo's group named Ariel dropped his cell phone in the river. Ariel said it wasn't that big of a deal because he had insurance, but Mio insisted on trying to retrieve it. Mio approached Schumann's group. In the first video, approximately nine seconds in length, john C is heard yelling Mio says he's looking for little girls, wcco. In the second video, mo is shown running towards Schumann's group. A group of adult tubers identified as the Carlson group then came over to intervene. The Schumann group is heard cheering when they arrive.

Speaker 4:

While showing several screenshots from the second video, anderson underlined that audio and the video indicates Mule was asked more than 20 times by the Schumann and Carlson groups to go away. In the several screenshots, anderson noted that before the physical confrontations begin, mule appeared to be smirking while holding his knife low by his side. Anderson also stated that at no point did Mule speak or tell anyone to get back? And he didn't step back or walk away from the groups. Anderson said the first time the confrontation turned physical was when Mule punched a member of the Carlson group named Madison. Another member of the group, dante Carlson, then punched Mule, causing him to fall into the shallow river. Anderson said in a 25-second span Mule then stabbed four members of the Carlson group AJ Martin, riley, madison, dante Carlson and Tony Carlson. Mule also fatally stabbed Schumann, who suffered wounds to his torso, chest and heart. You don't see anyone besides Nikolai with a weapon. You don't see the boys touch Nikolai until after stabbing start, anderson said. Anderson said no one in either group was initially aware that Mule was stabbing people until they saw Martin in the water who had been disemboweled. Anderson also pointed out that Mule had his knife's blade pointed upwards in the attacks. Afterward, anderson said Mio walked back to his tubing group and told them they took his knife. Several members of Mio's group called 911 to say several people were hurt, but they said they didn't know what happened. His group stayed at a sandbar until law enforcement arrived. One member of his group also helped some of the victims before speaking with police.

Speaker 4:

Anderson said Jauncee took a screenshot of Moe from the video and gave it to law enforcement, who quickly disseminated it. Employees then spotted Moe and alerted deputies, who then took Moe who was then clothed in wearing a hat and sunglasses, into custody. Anderson said members of Moe's group protested his arrest, saying they had the wrong guy. Anderson said when Moe was in the back of a squad car at the scene, he allegedly said to the sheriff what's going on? I hear somebody got stabbed and I fit the description. Mio was then told he was under arrest for homicide and attempted murder. When he was interviewed later by law enforcement, anderson said Moe was surprised to find there was video of the attacks. He told investigators he didn't have a knife, but members of Schumann's group were armed with knives.

Speaker 4:

Mule allegedly said they knocked off his goggles and snorkel and threw them in the water and they tried to pull his pants down. I just grabbed the kid's knife. I didn't even know if I was holding it right. I just grabbed it from him because he tried to poke me with it. So I feared for my life, mule said, according to a transcript shown in a slide by Anderson. Anderson said Mule went on to tell investigators that he didn't know where the knife was that he used to defend himself with. But later a member from Mo's group told investigators they saw him throw something on a shore before walking back to their group. Anderson said when investigators told him four people were hurt and one died. Mule allegedly said was that because they fought each other. Investigators later recovered Miu's knife on a riverbank and it tested positive for DNA from some of the victims.

Speaker 4:

The defense Defense attorney Aaron Nelson's opening statement repeatedly hammered home that Miu stabbed the other tubers in self-defense because he feared for his life. Nelson began his statements with biographical details on Mo, who grew up in Romania and immigrated to the US as a teen. He said Mio speaks several languages and described him as an intelligent and peaceful man. He also emphasized that Mio was an unfit 260 pound man who had undergone a quadruple bypass surgery two years before the deadly encounter. Nelson said Mio only brought his knife at the request of a friend so they could use it to cut the twine needed to connect the group's tubes before they coasted down the river. He said Mio likes to snorkel and brought his equipment, eventually using it to find his friend's phone. Nelson described Schumann's group as drunk teens who were smoking stuff. He also said Schumann's autopsy results revealed he had a blood alcohol level of .219, and his friends later told investigators Schumann's autopsy results revealed he had a blood alcohol level of .219, and his friends later told investigators Schumann was the most sober one in

Speaker 4:

their group. That day, nelson said the group began to heckle and humiliate Mio based on his appearance and loudly accused him of being a raper who was looking for little girls. Nelson also pointed out that there were no little girls near the groups. During the altercation, he said, Mio began to run towards Schumann's group because he saw one of them hold up what he believed to be the cell phone he was searching for and dropped his goggles and snorkel into the river in the process. Nelson accused Schumann's group of then threatening Neil with physical harm. You got 10 seconds. That's what that group of drunk teenagers says to that old man, nelson said. He said Neil then began to walk towards the Carlson group to appeal to them, but the group was immediately hostile,

Speaker 4:

nelson said. An older member of the Carlson group, quinton Carlson, later told investigators that he sent his sons, tony and Dante, over to Mule and the Schumann group because he worried the old guy was going to get hurt, nelson said Carlson's group was swayed by the Schumann group's claims that Mule was a predator looking for little girls. And Mule was then soon surrounded. They got a crowd. They told lies to make the crowd angry. Nelson said Nick Mule standing in the river with 13 strangers, 13 drunk, angry strangers, 13 against one. They yelled and they screamed in order to attract

Speaker 4:

a crowd. Nelson said there were inconsistencies between the parties involved in their respective interviews over whether Mule punched, slapped or pushed a member of Carlson's party named Madison, which led to Mule being knocked into the river by Dante Carlson. When he tries to get up out of the water they attack him in the front, smack him across the front of the face while somebody comes from behind and starts pushing him down. And that moment he feared for his life and he responded with self-defense, nelson said. He said Mule then began to make quick, short jab motions with his knife towards the mob. When people attacked Mio, he responded,

Speaker 4:

nelson said. Nelson then showed three images of what appeared to be Schumann strangling Mio, which he said caused Mio to fall backward and fatally stabbed Schumann by accident. I'm sure Schumann was a wonderful man, wonderful human being. We're going to hear a lot about him but in this moment, on this day, on that river, when he was drunk, he tried to strangle Nick Mio, nelson said. Nelson said after the stabbings, mio tossed the knife because he was suffering from shock and trauma. It looked like he struck her definitively with his right hand, nelson said During an intense cross-examination, defense attorneys challenged Nelson's memory of events. The trial continues on Tuesday at St Croix County Courthouse in Hudson, wisconsin.

Speaker 2:

Kind of a somber day today. Good thing is we got a solar eclipse coming up and we built the CM with our custom made UV certified glasses. Yeah, I'm kind of looking forward to that. I'll video it and maybe put it out on the site for you guys. But today's episode, like I said in pre-roll, is kind of a weird one. These guys who run down the Apple River kind of a summer thing to do around these parts you get a bunch of guys together, gals, people have fun, a bunch of tubes, coolers, total drunkenness. It's a total drunk thing. Yeah, that's what they do. I guess that's the thing. And then we got upon ourselves this little situation. Nikolai Mew brought his team. It kind of sounds like it was a work environment thing. You heard the intro. I mean, you got the AI Bob and he tells us that WCCO has written this wonderful article and I wanted to share that with you to kind of get some context on what's going on here. And I wanted to share that with you to kind of get some context on what's going on here.

Speaker 2:

But here we are and we're in this situation where this guy and I did watch the video. He's on this river, he's on with his peers, his people, his guys. These kids are in this total tied-together situation like a floating barge. They look pretty, pretty fun, but they lost they lost my attention when they started kicking the snot out of this guy, slapping him around. And again, I know that every story isn't the story until the story is fully told. And the video which one of their esteemed colleagues on this kid floating barge played was pretty incredible. If you get a chance, snoop out that video. It's pretty, pretty easy to find, play the thing and I'll tell you what. You make your own mind up.

Speaker 2:

But here's what I saw. I saw a bunch of kids all drunked up again, not knowing the pretense and why. They're all fighting and shouting and hollering and this whole, why they're together, why are they together in this planet? What made their times cross to where they're all on this river a little under knee high doing their thing and this guy gets you know from this video, gets slapped and pushed around. Now again, I don't know why they're all there, other than this is just what they're doing. And they start in this guy's video, they start slamming this guy around. So here they are and this guy I mean, he's not like leaving, they're not leaving, nobody's leaving, and they're all just in this spot. They're just staying there.

Speaker 2:

It's like a three-minute video. Why are they all standing around? What are they waiting for? The confrontation, the ending? What does that mean? And why aren't they just all, hey, let's get out of here, or one of them or somebody? So you kind of got my attention. When they smack this guy to the ground, he hits the water and then there's three or four kids on his back pushing him. They're all around him. They literally circle this guy.

Speaker 2:

I don't know about you, but I'd be kind of nervous at that point in time. I don't care if they're kids or not, and they're kids that are drunk and these kids, when they're all pissed up like that, have a little bit of no common sense involved. Here's a 52, 55-year-old man getting a snoppied out of him 267 pounds according to what AI Bob says, triple bypass, not healthy and he's there going to do what he's going to fight him. He's going to fight an 18, 16, 15-year-old bunch of kids. I don't know about that. The defense paints that picture pretty well, but he's on the ground while he's knocked over and they're constantly whapping him and some guy comes up and whaps him across the face and I don't know. I mean, you're trying to watch his hands to see where his hands come from with that knife open on him. Where did the knife come from? Certainly had pockets, somebody had pockets.

Speaker 2:

And we haven't gotten to the part where he stabs these guys. He cuts his kid open it's something like a horror movie and it starts, you know, dropping all his intestines out. So he cut him left to right and he's literally cut this kid's guts out all over the water and you can see red in the water. Holy cow, that's kind of a thing. So they have their altercation, they're fighting, nobody's leaving and they're constantly standing in one spot. I'm like you know what's making sense here? And it doesn't make any sense. Why are you all still fighting?

Speaker 2:

If Nikolai wanted to prove a point, if the kids wanted to prove their point, why are they all together? So if kids want to prove their point, why are they all together? So if you listen to the kids, as as they're, they're taunting this guy. You know he's 50 some years old, he's getting his ass kicked and all these kids are. You just listen to him screaming and hollering, starting to say stuff, and you know they're leveling this up. They are all next level this up and the one kid with the dreadlocks he's, he's saying just weird stuff. I don't even know. I mean that's what they kind of do when they're screaming and hollering and I don't know, it's the pack mentality Didn't work, I mean obviously. And then everybody changed their tone. They change their tone because they're getting slid open.

Speaker 2:

At that point they learned to shut their mouth and pay attention to what's really in front of them. Nikolai just had this straight, somber look on his face like he was untouched by what's going on. I don't know if that was fear or if that was training, or what was that when he came from his world or his country and he's obviously leaving a country that is in turmoil when he was 14, 15. So this is nothing new for that area, for that guy, and all of a sudden these kids are just not noticing it up. I just can't get it. So the defense and the prosecution are fighting this back and forth. They paint way different pictures, as they should. That's their job.

Speaker 2:

I don't know about you, but if someone told me that I was underwater with a snorkel kit looking for girls, I would be pretty upset and pissed off and I'd say hold on. That's what they said after they started stirring this pot. You know, you get 15-year-old kids together 16, 17, 18, and they're all together and they're all drunked up. You're going to have some stupid stuff going on. But it became deadly real fast. They didn't have a choice.

Speaker 2:

At that point they were now no longer in control, but at the control of someone who had the combat multiplier. That's what we call that. This guy brings a knife. You got a combat multiplier. They had nothing. Okay, now if the guy next guy brings a club, well, it's probably stronger than a knife, etc, etc. You get the message all the way up to howitzer and nuclear weapons. Okay, now if the next guy brings a club, well, it's probably stronger than a knife, etc, etc. You get the message all the way up to howitzer and nuclear weapons. That's what combat multipliers are.

Speaker 2:

Here he is, got his knife, he's on the side, he's still looking at these kids and if he said he didn't know how to hold it, okay, okay, let me back up, as he's stabbing these kids. There was no discussion of which way he had to hold it, because obviously he was pretty effective at it. He didn't halfway cut these kids open. He cut them open and when they cut that one kid open the one that actually died and he got disemboweled well, that means all his guts are in the river now. This is Wisconsin people. This is Minnesota Wisconsin. We don't have this kind of crap going on. This is Minnesota Wisconsin. We don't have this kind of crap going on, not in our country usually.

Speaker 2:

Maybe over in his country, a 55-year-old guy that's what he does, I don't know, but his parents left long ago, probably for that reason. I can't help but think what the 55-year-old guy was trying to figure on by still sticking around and getting that look on his face. He had to look of seriousness. He had the look of ending a situation or making it really wrong for someone else, but it was kind of a crap show. At that point, surrounded by how many kids? 13, they said 13 kids, 13 guys, I don't think Ivan Nikolai Miu, or whatever his name is, miu M-U-I-M-I-U is out there taking licenses to figure out who's who and what age before he finds himself in a situation because he was there, I don't know. Kind of a weird thing.

Speaker 2:

So if you get a chance to watch that video, make your own mind up, because it doesn't make much sense. Why didn't you digress and get out of the situation, macabre mcgraw? First thing is to get out of the situation. The last thing is to do is to fight it. We had some, uh, jeff garland's show. He was on our show and he says this is our, your step one. And if you paid attention, step one, get, get out of the situation. Last step is to fight it. And he wasn't getting out of it. None of those were getting out of it. Yeah, kind of weird, kind of things to make you say hmm.

Speaker 2:

So as the prosecution paints this Ivan, the Terrible picture on this guy, we'll never know. No one will ever know, including the courts, and they're going to be judged by 12. This is a capital case. They're going to be judged by 12. 12 people that were never there. They were not in that situation. So if you think about it, it's not really about the truth. It's about what you can prove or not prove in court. And what story is better? Is that system of blind justice real? I don't know. It doesn't sound like it here. It ain't blind justice, it's just blind. Twelve people are going to decide the fate of this case, none of which were there. So I don't know how that's going to work, how that's going to be and if they paint this picture to be such a bad guy.

Speaker 2:

This Nikolai, if he's such a bad guy, uh, nikolai, if he's such a bad guy, he's never been in trouble, never had a situation. No police record doesn't kind of sound like he's a habitual criminal. No, not even close. So you get this guy, this old guy, on the side looking for his cell phone, buddy's cell phone or whatever. These guys, these kids, spur it up and he's looking for girls and, you know, being a predator. That's what starts this thing.

Speaker 2:

Now the defense is pretty paints this picture. I watched the defense trial on TV and they paint this guy to be St John. Well, I don't know if he is or isn't, but again he's doing his job. 56, 55 year old guy, triple bypass Couldn. If he is or isn't, but again he's doing his job. 56, 55-year-old guy, triple bypass, couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag type of deal. You know they're doing whatever they can. And I heard Rittenhouse's. One of the attorneys on Rittenhouse was on the defense team. So this will be real interesting.

Speaker 2:

You know what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse? He's the one that shot all those people up during the riots. He didn't shoot them up, he defended himself. Let me rephrase that Sorry, kyle, I did a show on you and I don't want you to think that we don't support that type of. We do support it absolutely F-A-F-O. And these people were going to destroy and kill him.

Speaker 2:

So he defends himself with an AR-15. Himself with an AR-15. Nice, with a rifle. So if this guy is in that same situation where he defended himself with a box cutter or a knife or a what have you, I kind of see his point. 13 kids around, you're ready to kick your butt. So let me get back to the defense's position. Let's see, we've got 1340 into this first segment. I'm going to do this after the break and let's have the discussion about just the defense, because it sounds like quite a team. Broadcast stand by, I'll be right back. For Hotcast stand by, I'll be right back. The current healthcare system is not meeting the needs of real people. People are demanding better, better care, better options and want results.

Speaker 2:

So Gareth Care has launched and is advocating for those in the US and internationally as are realizing the controlled system has not been there for them. If you want your own independent advocate that is not controlled by big corporations, call or text and enroll today to get your advocate for your needs, serving all ages, for any health care needs you might have, you matter. Here's how you get started wwwgarethcarecom. That is G-R-A-I-T-H-C-A-R-Ecom. Call Gareth Care Direct at 469-864-7149. Call or text. The questions to healthcare sucks and get an advocate with Gareth Care 469-864-7149. Mention HuttCast and you will get an additional 10% discount on your first advocacy bundle.

Speaker 2:

The staff at Gareth Care will take care of you, remember mention HuttCast and get that extra 10% off your first bundle of time and this is all brought to you from Gareth Care and this is all brought to you from Gareth Fair. Welcome back, hoodcast. As I said in the purse section, we're going to talk about the defense and what kind of picture they've painted. Now, nikolai Miu M-I-U. Fatally stabbed and disemboweled. Isaac Schumann Now here's a 17-year-old kid. His guts are cut open, they're laying in the river and this is where, in a nutshell, what happened. We've been pointing that picture the whole time. But let's talk about the defense. They did hire a guy from Kyle Rittenhouse's event and you would think, okay, this guy's got some good intel. House's event, and you would think, okay, this guy's got some good intel.

Speaker 2:

But listening to his statements, his words, it seems like the picture he's painting sounds like they're painting a picture of a 16-year-old kid. Just think for a minute, go past what I'm trying to say and picture the fact that Carol Rittenhouse was what 18, 19 at the time, 17? I mean, he was a young kid himself. Carol Rittenhouse was what 18, 19 at the time, 17? I mean, he was a young kid himself. But there are spits and spatters of this guy painting that kind of same picture, even though they were all there. They all stayed engaged, it was all fun and games until someone pulls a knife out. Well, for the kids it was, for Nikolai, I don't think it was quite so much. And they're on this river and they're on this situation and his friends are on shore Nikolai's friends and Isaac's shaman that's the kid all his friends are around him. They're just kind of doing kid stuff. They're screaming and they're hollering. I mean, yeah, kind of a weird thing. So he's painting this picture of this poor, defensive, hopeless man. Obviously, I mean, this attorney has no idea what old man strength is, because if he did, he'd be a little careful how you paint that picture, especially to some old men. And he gets this thing set up to where he's priming the jury, he's priming everybody to say, look, oh, he was this, he was that. Again, I'm just having a hard time. Why did he stay engaged? No one stays engaged like that over a cell phone. No one stays engaged like that over snorkeling equipment that hit the water. No one stays engaged like that. Well, maybe no one. I could be wrong. I don't think I would engage Again.

Speaker 2:

You de-escalate and get out of the situation. Is that what Nikolai did? Did he de-escalate? Because I didn't see de-escalation. I seen he's standing around and staying involved. Then the gal from his party comes up from the side and says hey, you know, like he's pushing them away, get back to this, get back to this, come back to over here. Stop engaging these kids Again.

Speaker 2:

No one will know, but I think there's a whole lot of common sense missing on both sides of this equation the defense, the prosecution. It seems like we've got a pretty good judge in this one. He's very straightforward. He doesn't spin it around yes and no. He's kind of a binary type person and I kind of respect that. I totally respect that.

Speaker 2:

So it's not going to be some parade of what have yous like the Kim Potter trial. She did a good job, judge, and she did what she could legally. I think she was very leaning toward Kim. But boy, I'll tell you what. It's kind of a creep show. And what was the judge for? George Floydorge floyd's? Uh, killer, that was a weird judge. That guy couldn't call the shot. If he was, he was playing pool. There's only one ball left on the table. So it's really about what you get for a good legal system. Derrick chauvin, derrick chauvin's uh, oh, that was. That was a crap show. And then derrick Chauvin's attorney. The police union put this guy in place. I don't know, I'd rather have Nikolai's attorney than what Chauvin had. I don't really like that attorney. He was just, he couldn't do nothing there.

Speaker 2:

So you see people, sometimes common sense ain't very common. You see what these guys have gone through. If you paid attention to any of these, just even a little bit, you paid attention. You can form your own opinions on this. Don't let the media sway you, don't let me sway you, don't let anybody sway you. When you look for yourself and remember, what you see is not what you're getting. Someone said once to me perception is reality, yeah, but integrity goes deeper, and they didn't get that part of it. Perception is reality. We see this part of it. We don't see the whole equation and we never will, because the whole equation is blanked out. I mean, why were they there? That's the big thing. Why didn't none of them leave and take off? I can't even begin to figure that out.

Speaker 2:

So if this guy gets locked up, life in prison. You know anything at that age. If he lives to be 70, even a 10-year sentence is life in prison for this guy. Think about it. What is life in prison when you're 15 and 16 and 70 years old? You know, come down with some disease or Get contracted with what have you or who knows what. You get older. Shit happens, not by choice, and with the triple bypass this guy had for open heart surgery, you know, okay, now you got one foot in the banana and one in the grave, but I don't know if I would quite paint him as the Saint Nicolaus, like his attorney did. The video is pretty interesting and you listen to these kids in the background screaming.

Speaker 2:

If you ever noticed I do notice is that when you see these videos on YouTube and hate book and all this stuff, you get a group of kids together white, black, green, purple let me rephrase that Mostly white and black and they start egging stuff up. The Asian guys I've never seen any videos of that like that, but it's always a certain ethnic group that are always spinning this up and once they see blood in the water they act like animals. That's what happened here. They're acting like animals. You can't have that kind of outcome when you think that's your input. They act like animals. That's what happened here. They're acting like animals. You can't have that kind of outcome when you think that's your input. They stirred that up. They started that fight. They kept it going Again.

Speaker 2:

Young, dumb kids juiced up on a river out to have a good time At the expense of somebody's life. They had that good time. So if you've got young kids listening, or some kids listening, or grandparents listening, take your kids aside and say look, here's a situation where you might be out having fun, but someone ain't going to have fun with it and they need to respect and understand those boundaries that you know. You tell somebody they're a predator looking for girls. I bet someone's pretty PO'd on that one and I'd imagine Nikolai is, because I think I'd be kind of lit.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what Isaac was doing in all this. Again, the video is very weird, tough to see, it's all over, but that's all. The attorney had to go on, the defense's attorney had to go on that video Because, again, that's the real deal, that's what they're going to see. So it'll be interesting in the next couple days what they do with this guy. Follow along, pay attention to what's going on in some of our justice system because it happens everywhere. Yeah, nikolai Mew, isaac Schumann, one day that's going to just change their world forever. Well, isaac don't have a world anymore, but his family does, his friends, his girlfriends, his buddies, his all over, what, all over whooping up a big time. No, I don't see it. I don't see where even that begins to make sense, not on this one.

Speaker 2:

So again, my respects to WCCO and their branded and copywritten material. I get it. It's going back to you guys. You are the credit for that, absolutely. And when AI Bob spit it out there, it was a great, great intro to this whole hoopla.

Speaker 2:

But again, I wanted you guys to hear this firsthand. Snoop it out, tell me what you think on the hate book site Chime in. I'm sure there's kind of stories like this everywhere in the world. But this is like Minnesota, wisconsin, you know Minnesota Knives with a knife. I don't know. I can't begin to tell you what's going on. Let's see what else is new in the news. Looking forward to this uh eclipse so it's supposed to be the eighth, supposed to be tomorrow might not see it in our area because of low clouds. So I'm kind of a kind of a space nut, no pun intended. There, come on, guys. It's kind of neat to see, uh, these plants line up and block the sun out and the moon out and all that. It's what a great deal. I mean, every 70 years or 90 years is this event for us? Because they're so far north in the hidden bunker?

Speaker 2:

Yeah get out and see it. We've got one of those UV-rated special goggles glasses to see this with, and I'm going to put it through my cell phone and see if I can capture that image or even just a video of it. The problem I'm having is it's not focusing on the edge, it's focusing close up. So I'm going to try and figure that out and get it out there for you, because science man, some cool stuff, follow the science, isn't that what I heard? Oh, yeah, okay, yeah, you know where I'm going with that. I ain't going there. All right, that's what I got going. Again, nikolai, watch the news.

Speaker 2:

This 54-year-old guy from Minnesota, I think he was from Prior Lake is what they were saying Accused of killing and stabbing. I don't know, sometimes, when you're 57 years old, you should stay away from kids' venues because that's kind of a thing. But hey, it's America, you can go where you want to until you stab somebody. Okay, let's see Show notes here. Show notes, all right. So some of the show notes we got were from East Horn of Africa. Okay, I can't pronounce the name properly. I'll say Mahea. Yes, I'm sorry I can't give you name properly. I'll say Mahea. Yes, I'm sorry I can't give you money for your videos. You got to get your own stuff, man. But hey, thanks for asking. And what else we got? Ah, here's one Dublin Ireland. Yes, I understand that you had some turmoil way back in the 80s, 90s and that was kind of a thing, and it kind of does represent or resemble the Ukraine thing. I don't know. I think there's kind of a way different thing for what Putin did. I can't answer that, I don't know. I just don't know. So you're going to have to kind of hunt your own stuff on that. I know we talked about both of those, what Putin was doing.

Speaker 2:

But I appreciate you reaching out, paying attention. We're in 74 countries now, 54 million followers. Oh yeah, we've got some guys. We appreciate you tuning in. We appreciate each and every one of you. Hopefully, some of our stories can touch your life.

Speaker 2:

Let's see here Dr Brian Artis. He's been a great show supporter. His show is going crazy. Love it, absolutely love it. It's a very high-listened-to show. Guy's got some good intel. He should focus on that one. Dr Brian Artis yeah, he's got his own podcast. He does his own videos. He's the alternative to going to the doctor and letting him throw all this poison at you.

Speaker 2:

Let's see what else we got. Gareth Care is one of their leading supporters. Or Graith Care we had some conversation with her last week Pointed some people in some proper directions. Absolutely love the group One of our show sponsors, and we want you to make sure and focus on some of those guys. Let's see Super Fuel. That's a good one. Those guys are revving up for next season. All the joggers, all the wannabes yeah, oh yeah, want to be healthy. Try Superfuel. Okay, that's all I got for today. I appreciate you all and we'll see you next time. A guest signing off and that's a wrap for HuttCast. Huttcast is again a pragmatic approach to seeing things how some people see them. If you like our show, give us a thumbs up on the Facebook site Again for HuttCast. Thank you again. Have a wonderful evening.

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