
Examining Presidential Qualifications, Constitutional Crisis, and the Controversial Epstein List on Today's Hutcast


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Could the very framework of our democracy be at stake when we talk about presidential qualifications? Tune into today's Huttcast as I dissect the complex web of constitutional guidelines and bold political maneuvers following recent Capitol events. Together we explore the audacious notion of disqualifying a presidential candidate without a legal verdict, navigating the potential constitutional crises with an analytical lens. Peel back the layers of intrigue as we also scrutinize the infamous Epstein list, probing the legitimacy and consequences for those named within its shadowy depths.

Navigating the tumultuous waters of our electoral system, I share my firsthand experiences with state officials and the delicate dance between state and federal powers. The balance of our democratic process hangs in the balance as we discuss the implications of the 17th and 20th amendments and the vital 25th amendment. Stories from Colorado to Maine reveal the real-world implications of removing presidential candidates from ballots, while I recount my personal responses to these state actions and their broad repercussions on our elections.

Gene German
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Speaker 1:

Secretly recorded from deep inside the bowels of a decommissioned missile silo. We bring you the man, one single man, who wants to bring light to the darkness and dark to the lightness. Although he's not always right, he is always certain. So now, with security protocols in place, the protesters have been forced back behind the barricades and the blast doors are now sealed. Without further delay, let me introduce you to the host of the podcast, Mr Tim Hudner.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, sergeant in Arms. You can now take your post. The views and opinions expressed in this program are solely those of the individual and participants. These views and opinions expressed do not represent those of the host or the show. The opinions in this broadcast are not to replace your legal, medical or spiritual professionals. Welcome to the podcast one twenty-one twenty-four second show of the season. A couple things we're going to talk about today, because it's all over the news, as it should be the Trump train, the Trump track, the ability to take somebody off of a ballot in the United States. There's a whole lot on that. And what else do we got here? We got, oh, epstein's list. I found the list. I think we should have a conversation about who's on that list, but there are so many lists out there. Which one is the actual list? Oh yeah, stay tuned for this. Let's have that conversation. Find out. Whiskey Tango. Foxtrot's going on here. The podcast will be right back. Whiskey, barbon Sauce, the sauce that's worth the wait.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to the podcast. Today, as I mentioned in pre-roll, we were going to have a little conversation about this Trump train. Yeah, the guy, the dude, the man, whatever you like about the guy, whatever you don't like about the guy is totally irrelevant to today's conversation. I want you to think about a little thing called the Constitution. Now, there are some people out there in this world that said Trump incited a riot, trump incited this, trump incited that, but before he was guilty, proven guilty, that is, in the court of law, they were able to put him on this list, this list of do not put him on the ballot list.

Speaker 2:

I don't know about you guys, but it sure takes a lot of huskba to take some off a list in lieu of our what do you call it? Our bill of rights. Are we the people? Oh yeah, there's some things there. There's some real things there and if you think about it in a total what would you say insane way of being able to say who can and can't be on a list, who cannot apply for a presidency, including a previous president that was, you know, in his opinion, removed from list, and I happen to share that. He was removed from office. He was robbed of an election. I get that too.

Speaker 2:

Things don't make a lot of sense. When you go to bed, this guy's that far ahead. When you wake up, he's that far behind. Folder turnouts of 110% in certain areas, oh, the list goes on. I'm not going to do the conspiracy theorist. The January 6th thing. You know you got to look at big picture here. You got to make sense in your head. If it makes sense that you can go to bed and he's 47% ahead and all of a sudden you wake up, he's 40% behind, I don't know. You need to make that judgment call for yourself. But if you think about the thing as common sense, like we like to share at the word of common sense. It doesn't make sense that you can be that far off with an 8% swing back and forth.

Speaker 2:

Now, this constitution, in which we share, we all share, our founding fathers have shared, have made it pretty clear and you're going to go to a certain section called Article 2, section 1. In this section, outlines the qualifications for presidency. Now, even if you don't know much of our constitution, know this that it's there to protect us against the crazies, the radicals, the numbs. Of course, I'm going to talk about these crazies, radicals and numbs in my next segment called Epstein's List. But these guys, these people who decide they want to twist this around and throw it upside down and make the absurd the normal, from my point of view, maybe from yours too. I don't know you have to make that call again for yourself, but I do want to read to you this article through section one, and the 12th of the 14th and the 15th, 19th, 24th, 26th Amendment 27th, amendment no 2017th and the 20th. There's just there's so many here. Article two, section one. This section outlines the qualifications for presidency. It requires that the president be a natural born citizen, ie not Obama at least 35 years old and a resident within the United States for 14 years. I think he qualifies, matter of fact, I know he qualifies. Now let's run down to the 12th Amendment. Clarifies the election process for president and vice president. In this 12th Amendment it's going to have a lot of what he can or cannot do, the definitions, the very, the laws that bind him to be able to be qualified for.

Speaker 2:

See, we have the 12th, we have the 14th Amendment and section three addresses the disqualifications for individuals from holding federal or state office who have engaged in an insurrection, who have engaged in an insurrection or rebellion against the United States or given aid or comfort to its enemies. Oh, this is a big list. Let's look at this one section here. Who has engaged in an insurrection or rebellion against the United States? Okay, how many elected officials were there on the 6th? How many were outside the Capitol? Governors maybe, I don't know Mayors, city council people, anybody who held the office, because this is kind of the this is the kind of the big thing state and city office. I mean, okay, if your mayor was there in your town and he's there and he's part of this, how do you know he wasn't part of it, so now can he hold office.

Speaker 2:

I'm not taking a big reach here. I'm just giving you guys an opportunity to think deeper than just this superficial political chew it up, pukey, crappy news stuff that always shoved down your throat. Because it's pretty, pretty clear to me. After I read it I go well, okay, what about all these other people Give an aid or comfort to its enemies? Well, how are you going to quantify that one in that many people? You can't, you ain't going to, you're going to be in an open-ended blah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, fourteenth amendment, section three, addresses the disqualification windows from holding for all of us. Okay, the insurrection against the United States or giving comfort to its enemies. That is a. That is a. That's kind of a big one. This fourteenth amendment in section three, because you got to kind of go deep into, okay, who does it mean? So, just like I said before, could it be your mayor, could it be your city council, could it be your state legislator, could it be your house of representatives or the Senate in your city, your state? There's a lot of people there.

Speaker 2:

I can only imagine that there were some of those people in that audience, that that group, and I don't believe it was insurrection in any way, shape or form. Do you Come on, people Focus. Do you really think if an insurrection was to take place, they're going to be armed with camcorders? Excuse me, I've been dated with cell phones and videos. No, and Afghanistan took over their insurrection. They walked in with guns and cleared the problem. That's how they handled it. That's how sometimes things can handle it. I think I remember American Revolution 1776, all that that was handled with guns. Let's move forward to the 15th, 19th, 24th and 26th amendment. These amendments prevent voting rights from being denied or abridged based upon race, color, previous condition of servitude okay, sex, failure to pay a poll or a tax or other taxes, or age from citizens who are at least 18 years of old. Wow, that's kind of a big one.

Speaker 2:

That's kind of one of those you want to go all right we're going to start this list at, because it's a pretty big list. We all have that one person or two people or family member or family organization or left wing family organization that fit that poll, don't they? All right, let's throw out. The 17th amendment Establishes the direct election from a US senator's by popular vote. Okay, we have some senator things going on there. That one nut job who started talking crap, who is his peers of the US Senate have removed him from office. They voted him out. I got a problem with that one too. And the 20th amendment addresses let me scroll down Limits of term limits. Okay, yeah, we got two four year term limits. That's pretty, you know, pretty normal. We should have 20. Second amendment on anybody and everybody in our capital. Let's start that program. I'll sign up right now. Term limits for people yeah, they should be terminated. Half those guys died here. Let's look at Pelosi, let's not. But I mean, let's hypothetically look at Pelosi. How's that for a crap sandwich, with a woman here doing lipstick? Okay, the 25th amendment clarifies the line of succession to the presidency and the response of presidential disabilities. Yeah, I don't know much about that one, but I might want to dig into that one yourself. All right.

Speaker 2:

Now, here's why I brought this up today. I don't care if you've got Trump, pelosi, emmer, waltz, wherever city, state you live in DeSantos, I don't care if it's Jeffrey Dahmer who's running for presidency. There is nobody on the planet that can take him out of that or off your state ballot. Ie, here's where I'm going with this. I wrote a couple of letters. I wrote them to Colorado Secretary of State. I wrote them to Maine Secretary of State. You know this nut job who decided who in her own personal event data, was going to take Trump off the deal. I don't even know how she could have done that, but she tried and it made news and I okay. Yep, even a squirrel gets a nut once in a while. So this nut chimes in and says this and you've all followed this along, but you don't know.

Speaker 2:

It was my letters to these people. It was a pretty good letter. It was kung fu, it was straight to the point. It was hey, dorks, you understand that we have a constitution, right, we, the people, and you can't make a decision, even if it was at state level a decision. And the letter kind of goes like this in a nut shell Dear monkey heads.

Speaker 2:

I want to be informed of you at this point in time that because if you decided to take this person off the list, your list in your country or in your city, that you have now tampered with the federal election and I'm going to state precedence to. If you take him off your list, it becomes an automatic tampering in my state and I want you all to think about that. If somebody in New York takes him off the list because they don't like him, whatever that reason is, I don't care if you don't like him, but he's on there by the RNC or the DNC and he's on there because he's qualified according to our constitution. He has to be on there Because if you take him off and he gets that person, whoever it is, gets a strong support. What are the other 49 states going to do? What if that one state needed his state or that state to push him over the top? Because you know elections are pretty close anyway, unless they're fixed or rigged. Then you go to bed at 40 and wake up at minus 40. What is that? What do you call that? When someone takes him off the grid, they call it a tampering of election. You tampered with my election and it's because it's federal, ie United States. Imagine all the lawsuits.

Speaker 2:

And I told these two groups, colorado and Maine, this guy was this nut jobs on the TV. If you do this, I will pursue legal actions. That was the Farton Church moment and everybody heard it. I heard nothing back from Maine, because I think it's such a hot topic in her area that I think it was just stupid of her, although Colorado did make a very, very logical response. Now, mind you, maine had a personal vendetta. She did this at the Secretary of State level and Colorado did it at the Senate level of their state, either of which does not follow the constitutional guidelines. It's not even close to Article 2, section 1. And it says nothing about taking someone off.

Speaker 2:

And again, as I started this, we've got to remember I said I don't care if you're Jeffrey Dahmer, charles Manson or Nancy Pelosi, who, if you want to apply for this position and you have the support of your group, nothing should keep you from that ballot ever, should it? I was pretty PO'd, but I did like the response. Colorado wrote back and he says I understand, mr Huttcast, of your concerns. Be it noted that we have resended our. Whatever is their state ruling, he will remain on the ballot and we apologize for any inconveniences might have in your state. Well, that's code for hey, I caught on. I finally got the message from our legal staff. Not that Huttcast is any attorney and or for of. I am not, but I am a citizen of this country and I have just as many rights in this state as I do in the other states because of our constitution. I can only imagine a kind of crap show that would bring up and I want you guys to sit back and go. You know that really makes sense. Or I'm just off. The left here Ain't no left guy.

Speaker 2:

Tampering with an election is what those two states did Without reprieve. They did it Because they must have thought that they had enough power to choose in my state who I'm going to have, just in case I needed that person on my ballot to, to win my presidential election with my candidate. It should make you furious upon upon furious. It should make you conscious to how they want to, and I mean they. I mean they're both democratic states and they both don't like the Trump guy. And I don't care. I don't care what your agenda is. You missed the big picture. And that big picture is you don't mess with the federal election, because if that's the case, democracy is out the door. You will get a September. I'm sorry. You will get a January 6th for real. You're going to decide for us who can and can't be on our, on our ballot. You're going to get a real one, and it ain't going to be with cell phone or cameras. You're going to have the real deal, just like Afghanistan when we pulled out of there.

Speaker 2:

How stupid that was. We screwed up. We couldn't to pull out there anymore careless and reckless than we did. And what do they do? They walked right in, they locked and loaded and that fixed that problem, didn't it? Well, that was the problem for them.

Speaker 2:

Now we've given them opportunity. We've given them equipment, we've given them munitions, we've given them aircraft. We give oh yeah, let's just give them the war, our enemies. We give aid to our enemies. How about that one? Let's talk about that one in the 15th, 19th, 24th Amendment giving aid to your enemies. I'm sorry, that would be the 14th, article 3, section 3.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, anyway, how crazy is this? It's crazy stuff, but either way, I wanted you to listen to it and I was thinking about this and I've been kind of putting it off on the show until I see how this reacts, and I want to get my emails back and write these letters and I think Colorado had the smartest decisions to say the right way. But I do believe Maine should have come out to the pile and says hey, you know, this is what we said, this is what we meant to be. Oh, I don't know. I hope she's terminated, I hope it's, I hope that position she's in is a voted position, is she'll give aid to somebody else and we can turn that around under a heartbeat. So focus, people. I just wanted you to catch up on that. I'm not. I'm going drifting here. I can't say enough about how mad I am and how mad you should be, because it is stupidness. And remember, this is not about a party, this is not about a person, this is not about anything other than how they decided to manipulate our we, the People document. Okay, what's our next one here? Oh yeah, amstein's Island. So stay tuned for that. Got a couple of names. I don't know if you've found the list. I have found the list and you'd be surprised who's on it. So standby broadcast. We'll be right back.

Speaker 2:

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Speaker 2:

Next segment here the Episcene's Island thing. It's been in the news. I don't know if any of you have dug up the list. There's a list out there. There's probably a hundred lists. There's a bunch of fake lists, but if you do dig it up in whichever list you do find. You're going to see some things out that okay, and I'm here to share those things with you. These fabulous Hollywood elite lefts whatever you would want to call them. There's lists out there with Trump on there. There's lists out there with Wiley Coyote on them.

Speaker 2:

Again, they send so much crap of hyperbole out in the world that you don't know what is left from right. So they just keep spinning this around and around and around until you get disgusted with what the term is and you just die in a give up and don't want to seek the truth. We used to have organizations that gave us the truth. Now we'd call them gossip corners. Can't trust your news, you can't trust anything. But yet here we are. We're going to have to think about that again and or lose to talk about how trust is earned.

Speaker 2:

Epstein's list I'm going to pull it up right here. Epstein's visitor island. It's out in the world. I've got this white copy. It's got the very last one is whoopee ass Goldberg. So whichever one, you're on that one. The second list is the second column is the bottom of this Miley Cyrus, and the first one is the pilot. Where is Gary Rocks Rush? So that's a list I'm working with Now. In this list there happens to be a whole lot of Hollywood elite lefts, probably because it's their gig, it's their buddies, their island, their I don't know whatever that is whatever that clicky is, but there happens to be a whole lot of liberal lefts on this IE.

Speaker 2:

Oprah Winfrey, seth Green, sarah Silverman, which surprises me for that. Sarah Robert De Niro, which that would really surprise me, because he just Just seems like a nut job to begin with, but now he's proved it. Robert, down in junior I'm still an on that one and I'm looking. All these names Rihanna, prince, andrews what does Prince have to do with any left or right around here? So I'm kind of just kind of going through this thing. Paris Hilton I mean, I'll take your pick. George Cuny and we know he, we know his position. George is Heidi Klum. Hillary Clinton, bill Clinton, james Franco, james Gunn, cousack, joe Biden how about that one? Jim Carrey, jimmy Kimmel oh, he's a. He's a not had anyway. So what do you expect Now? John Travolta's I didn't expect him on there. Joy Barr for sure, I absolutely expected her to be on there. Justin Trudeau yeah, I expected him to be on there too. Kathy Griffin she needs to be on a list. It's the in jail list. Kevin Spacey yeah, I would expect him there.

Speaker 2:

So if you go through the list, I say yes for a lot of these. But you got a wonder to Michelle Obama there's gonna. Do they all think left like this? Am I looking at a page of Our, our country's, biggest people and say, hey, el Gore, hey Arkin, hey Alyssa Rogers, all these people, bill Gates, bob Sagan which he's dead now, bruce Willis I don't see, bruce, is that at all that just because you've been this island, just because you've visited it, means that you've Drank the Epstein's Kool-Aid? I can't, I'm no way. There's just no way. You have all these people and so the list is on there. So what? They got a bad PR. Well, he, yeah, you get some bad PR. You were at this guy's list, you're on the list. So what do you tell these people? Some of these, I know, have an absolute conservative view and some have an absolute left view. So I don't know what the big thing is about the list. I mean, I get it and if you were there, you're, you're guilt by association because you were. I think our justice system is a little better than that.

Speaker 2:

And why didn't they want to publish this list? To protect the social elites in California, hollywood, so that they can go oh, you don't hurt me feelings. Or do they want to protect Joe Biden, jimmy Kimmel, katy Perry, courtney love, courtney Cox, chris Tucker, chris Wagner, cher. Yeah, see, there's some people in there that just don't make sense. Charlie Sheen, he's just.

Speaker 2:

I don't see him as a left. I don't think he's come out and said anything. See that DN for sure is not a total left. So what are they protecting it for? Why do they want to keep this list out there? Because, hey, I've been to a list somewhere once upon a time and all that I'm associated with. They were sure hiding this. I don't get why they didn't need to. So think about it, think about this whole thing, tom Hanks. Tom Hanks chirped a little left out there, but I don't think Tom Hanks's opinions are pretty much lines up with the rights which you know. The conservative rights and the conservative lefts have the same views. They just don't want to put a D or an R next to their name. So I want you to kick back and say, hey, epsom's Island, the list is out there. It'll be on my website, it'll be on hate book. Take a peek at it, have some eyes on, check it out.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you guys overseas probably had a thing for you. I don't even think it's a thing for us. I just think some people got to go on a vacation with some high binders and they rub elbows and you get to hang with the elite crowd and you know those guys, it's what they do. If there's a party going on, it's an A party, or all the A's hang out. I mean, you are who you hang around, but so if that's what they're doing, they are who they hang around. Then yeah, they're not all pedophiles. Come on, guys, we know better than this. We got some common sense in our brain, except for the Whoopi Goldberg one. Yeah, she's probably there. Same with Bill Clinton and.

Speaker 2:

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Let's pick our favorites. Huh, paris Hilton, oprah, there's a one and they keep calling it fake names. Never been there. Have been there, I don't know. Pick your list, see which one you like. I just thought it was important to bring it out Because if you haven't hunted it up, you can hear it here.

Speaker 2:

That cast says the list. They're not all goofy, crazy lefts on this list, there are some. Let's see Rob Reiner on here. Let me look under ours, rachel. Oh, correction, rob Reiner is on here. Ah, send him an email. Hey, rob, that was the island That'll twist this Twinkie. Okay, jay-z. Sophie Trudeau, all the Trudeaus. Let's see who's gay. No, that's somebody else. Never mind, I was on a different page with that one. Okay, epstein's List. I have it out there. It's interesting to see. Don't know if it means anything. I don't know why it was so protected for so long, other than to hurt the liberal elite lefts that they didn't want that in the list. Okay, short show today, probably running in 10 minutes.

Speaker 2:

In this segment I'll give you some information of some shows coming up. I have some pretty big leads on some really good stuff going on in the country. Of course, our friends in Texas having the expose of Garth Care. All their friends and family are going to have a magnificent time there. I think they had one last year. Great deal, great show. But we'll certainly pay attention to what's going on there.

Speaker 2:

Last show turned out really good. It was a really good show about a guy who lost her husband. Tune in to that one, download it, check it out if you haven't already. Other than that, we're going to pull the pin real early. Thanks everybody for listening, for tuning in and I'll put that list of the list way out there so you can see it. I don't think there's nothing to be all lit up about. It's a hot gas signing off. Have a wonderful rest of your day. 121.24. Be well and that's a wrap for Hutcast. Hutcast is again a pragmatic approach to seeing things how some people see them. If you like our show, give us a thumbs up on the Facebook site Again for Hutcast. Thank you again. Have a wonderful evening, thank you, thank you.

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