
Exposing Hidden Truths: A Journey from Consciousness to Conspiracies with Tim Ray


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Get ready to transform the way you think and perceive reality as we sit down with Tim Ray, founder of UIMediaorg. We're living in a world where our beliefs aren't just abstract concepts but can tangibly influence our reality. Dive into the captivating science of frequency and vibration and learn how your thoughts and intentions can quite literally shape your surroundings. 

If you've ever felt lost in the abundant yet paradoxically unreliable information in mainstream media, this episode is for you. As truth-seekers, we're challenged to distinguish fact from fiction and uncover the realities hidden beneath prevailing narratives. We dare to question the status quo and emphasize the importance of courage, independent advocacy, and personal empowerment in this journey. 

Brace yourself for an exhilarating ride into the world of global conspiracies. Synthetic venom, the CIA, cancer research - we unravel it all. Hear about the pioneering work of Dr. Brian Ardis and the astonishing revelation about cobra venom being used in spike proteins. As we navigate these riveting narratives, we eagerly anticipate our upcoming discussion on the next pandemic with Dr. David Martin. Join us in this riveting exploration of consciousness, truth-seeking, and the power of collective intention.

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Speaker 2:

Secretly recorded from deep inside the bowels of a decommissioned missile silo. We bring you the man, one single man, who wants to bring light to the darkness and dark to the lightness. Although he's not always right, he is always certain. So now, with security protocols in place, the protesters have been forced back behind the barricades and the blast doors are now sealed. Without further delay, let me introduce you to the host of HuttCast, Mr Tim Huttner.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, sergeant and Arms. You can now take your post. The views and opinions expressed in this program are solely those of the individual and participants. These views and opinions expressed do not represent those of the host or the show. The opinions in this broadcast are not to replace your legal, medical or spiritual professionals. Welcome to HuttCast.

Speaker 3:

Huttcast is on kind of a thing today, 11-12-20-23. It's a wonderful Sunday morning. We have with us on the show Tim Ray, founder of UIMediaorg. We're going to bring him back here and we're going to have a conversation. I wanted to mention him in pre-roll because he's done some pretty amazing things. I've read his bio. Oh yeah, you want to stand by on this one and tune in and put your thinking caps on, your tinfoil caps, whatever it is you wear. Put it on because we're going to need it today. We'll stand by for HuttCast. We'll be right back.

Speaker 3:

The current healthcare system is not meeting the needs of real people. People are demanding better, better care, better options and want results. So Gareth Care has launched and is advocating for those in the US and internationally, as people are realizing the controlled system has not been there for them. If you want your own independent advocate that is not controlled by big corporations. Call or text and enroll today to get your advocate for your needs, serving all ages, for any healthcare needs you might have, you matter. Here's how you get started. For more information, visit wwwgarethcarecom. That is G-R-A-I-T-H-C-A-R-Ecom. Call Gareth Care Direct at 469-864-7149. Call or text the questions to healthcare sucks and get an advocate with Gareth Care, 469-864-7149. Welcome back to HutCast. As mentioned in pre-roll, tim Ray, the founder of UIMediaorg, is on the phone with us and he took in his wonderful Sunday morning afternoon to come have a conversation with HutCast. Tim, are you there?

Speaker 1:

Yes, hello Tim. And you know I never met a Tim who wasn't a nice guy, so that's a great way to start a conversation Copy that, okay.

Speaker 3:

So I made some lists and I did some research on you. I tried to do that to all my guests and I thank you for being here Absolutely, and we, as the common sense people in the world, need to have a little more common sense of it and we need more people out there to have common sense and you just you're brimming with common sense and I need to ask some questions. So if we were to start out first with, tell us about your journey from founding the United Intentions Foundation to hosting award-winning shows like Frequency Wars and Raising the Frequency, talk to me.

Speaker 1:

Sure, well, you know it wasn't always. It's kind of like it was the, the, the field of dreams. If you remember that movie, build it and it Will Come. So, throughout the, we started the foundation back in 2009, but really prior to that and even during that journey, it was really unknown what we were building. You know what I was being building. I was really more inspired, but prior to 2009, we started the United Intentions Foundation, I was just like most folks, caught up into the mainstream media, listened to the news going up and down based on who's in Republican or Democrat, or this person or that person.

Speaker 1:

I just caught on the roller coaster of fear, of of being alone, of destruction, of wars, and it got to the point where I thought I was losing my mind. I was either going to build a bunker or I was going to. I was going to snap out of this reality and I always had some level of understanding of, I guess, frequency and vibration, true nature of quantum physics just growing up throughout my spiritual journeys kind of evolved into that. But I got caught up into the rat race, building my career and working for the man and doing the thing until I started my own business, even 20 years earlier. But I got to the point where I was. I was there, I was. I had to do something about it. So I said, okay, you know what, I'm not going to live under the ground in a bunker, because I couldn't imagine living like that for whatever period of time. I'd rather face my maker in whatever's next stage for me.

Speaker 1:

And I decided to understand that the power of our intentions, our thoughts and our physical properties. Our thoughts and feelings have physical properties. They're measurable. If you listen to anything about Dr Bruce Lipton or Joe D'Aspenza, even Greg Braden, they really get into a lot of the science behind that, especially Dr Bruce Lipton, and how our thoughts affect not only inside our bodies, with the placebo and ocb effect and everything else that you hear about, but how our thoughts affect outside of our bodies, outside of our reality and collapsing the wave into matter. And on that level of science where you sometimes lose people, sometimes you gain people. But it's all about frequency and vibration.

Speaker 1:

So here I was low frequency, listen to the news which takes you right. There can't get lower than that. And I was like you know what I'm done, because I would internalize what they say on the news and I bring it into inside me and then I would become part of my belief system, and then I would then I would manifest that intentionally outside of myself now. So, basically, I was creating the world that these jokers, these psychopaths who run the news as well. I was creating the reality for them and I said, okay, no more. So I started the United Intentions Foundation, which is all about understanding the programs and resources, how we can claim our power back and really start creating heaven on earth what we're really here for through the power of our intentions, through love, through emotions, through our physical thoughts, and start connecting with like-minded people, which I'm sure, tim, just knowing you and what you've been up to, you probably met more like-minded people in the last three years and you probably have in your whole lifetime.

Speaker 3:

Unconditionally yes.

Speaker 1:

And so that's not just by a coincidence, I mean, that's just by design of who we really are.

Speaker 3:

A little bit of mention, maybe, say it again, a little bit of divine intervention, absolutely divine intervention at 100% right there.

Speaker 1:

But we're waking up to realizing that and that's where I said, okay, let's get this foundation going, and not knowing exactly what I was building, but that let it out, and we started just doing shows. Then eventually we got to doing getting the shows out and getting the resources out. We had education programs, we had all different types of things and evolved into really two main things now the UI media network. You can check our shows out on, like you mentioned, frequency Wars, raising the Frequency. We have a new show coming out, blacklisted with Tim Ray Nice, and we just got another show. It's called Free your Hearts and Minds. It's all about really.

Speaker 1:

It's a relief fund for MKUltra and targeted individuals and SRA survivors. They have really little support right now. They have no voice. In fact, most people don't even believe what they go through is true, and so we've been really trying to highlight that and get the message out with people on a monthly basis, given their testimonies of their experiences, where people then can donate and assist them in the day-to-day life which they get no support, especially what a lot of these government agencies are doing that to them. So that's kind of Tim where led me to different directions, but I decided just to start waking up every morning and creating my own news and I was done internalizing the news and the information and the data that you gather from people around you who you don't know. You don't know who they are, you have no deal with their intentions or their agenda or anything else. So, if there's truth to we create our reality, co-creator value with God, and then we're going to put the practice and see, exactly like you said, pragmatically, how it works.

Speaker 3:

Isn't that something? So you mentioned MKUltra. That was like a thing way in the past past and are you revisiting this for the victims of, or what's your plan?

Speaker 1:

Well, they say they stopped the MKUltra in the past, but it's just been changed to new type programs, sub-programs, it just slides as you hear the cover stories. Well, the CIA stopped doing that back in the 70s. It was never stopped, in fact, it was a full steam ahead and just done more cleverly. And now you're talking about the old kind of trauma-based mind control which they would do and they torture people. If you go down the SRA experience, they go hand in hand. It's really a satanic agenda techniques Just put a little science behind it. But they've been doing that.

Speaker 1:

Now, today, with what they're doing with the injections and the direct energy weapons and the Internet of Things, the guys of this Internet of Things creating this field around us Really, what they're doing is they're giving them an opportunity now to target individuals where you don't have to traumatize them with this level of horrific experiences, to split the brain, to create multi-personalities, then to embed in the program that you want.

Speaker 1:

You literally could target individuals through their DNA, and they have the technology to support that today. And what we're seeing unfold is this bio-weapon that they released on mankind and women's kind, that they're using that ability to track people and to target them. So you're looking at an expansion of the MK Ultra program to degrees that almost unfathomable and you'll find that many of these people who get targeted, targeted visuals, they have no support. I mean, you're talking about superior technology, I mean almost all the planet technology, and then you're looking at where you go. If the government's behind doing it there's certain agencies behind doing it where are you going to go? You can't go to your local police station.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You can't go to the FBI or the DOD. I mean, all these agencies have their weaponized. We used to do a show on that with Steve Friend, who's an ex-wisselblower for the FBI. I mean, when you hear his story you're like, well, there goes the FBI, we don't have them anymore.

Speaker 3:

Well, they weaponized that a long time ago and they've been constantly weaponizing against us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, decade after decade, but now it seems like they're so. Don't you think, tim, that they're so brazen about it? Yeah, openly about it, where they don't care.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it used to be behind our backs, now it's in front of our faces.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and that's part of the desensitization process too. I think it's done even deliberately so, to show you how powerless we're appear, how powerless we may be.

Speaker 3:

We're never powerless.

Speaker 1:

Of course not no, and, as you know more than anyone, it's all about that divinity spark. But so we started this relief fund. It's called the UI Freeing Hearts and Minds Relief Fund and we have a high-level Lisa E who's a high-level MK Ultra survivor. She's really helped running the fund and helping running that we have well guests each month coming on given their testimonies and what they're doing and how the funds are helping them live day to day.

Speaker 1:

I mean, these folks often are living off-grid because they can't be on-grid Otherwise. They're always constantly trying to be brought into the fold. Whether they're SRA, they have gang targeting groups looking for them or if they're MK Ultra, they're constantly trying to get them back into the programming. So it's like they're on the run all the time and you can't imagine living life like that, especially not having funds, where you're just trying to survive with food and shelter over your head and trying not to be found. It is extremely disrupting and it's inhumane, and so that's why we decided to focus on that, since there really isn't anything out there for them and people. When you talk about this Tim, they don't even know it exists. They think it's like you said, it's an old time, 70s program that that they did and it went away. No, it did not and it's there's plenty evidence that shows it's not holy cow, it's active.

Speaker 3:

So my next question then, is it kind of ties all this together? How has the ui media network provided a platform for conscious minded posts and listeners to unite and share their stories?

Speaker 1:

Sure, well, we, um, we started out where we were first. We were bringing a lot of conscious minded Um. When we say conscious minded, it's, it's having a bigger picture.

Speaker 1:

You're looking at life, you're connected to all life right everything, and and that that when you make one decision to harm somebody else, you're really making a decision to harm yourself, um, and so when we, when we look at life from a perspective of we're all connected to each other War, you know zero sum gains, uh, anger, you know Hatred, all that kind of seems to go away, at least be alleviated off off your front of your funnel lobe. Here, where it's not, you're being focused because you're realizing that is a much bigger picture here, it's a more divine picture, um, and so we, we we seek people like that. Uh, not only potentially, we had a lot of hosts on different shows, but we got to the point where we're so busy because, you know, this is where we're really like you, myself and all these other folks out here, trying to get the truth out. Um really should be the mainstream media and, I believe, will be the mainstream media eventually, um.

Speaker 1:

But you know it's just a lockdown and I'm sure you experience your level of censorship. I'm sure you experience your level of uh, of suppression of information, frustration over list, more so over the last four or five years. But, um, it is. It is that information we got to get out no matter what, but that's part of it. Where we were so busy we could, we could only focus on Certain shows and we seemed our frequency war seemed to take off pretty well, uh, and raising the frequency and a few other things that we have in place. So we had to kind of condense that but hopefully eventually we'll bring bill to bring in a lot more Conscious minded hosts with their own shows and expand that right on a vision on a visual level, um, not just on podcast level, but um, it's a, it's, it's also the uh, it is the uh.

Speaker 1:

The people that we have coming on, these are truth seekers. They're not beholden to any special interest group that says you can't say this because, yeah, because this, this is going to get you thrown off.

Speaker 3:

So he's paid or he's bought in somehow.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and that's what people you know, as you know, 10 people want. They're hungry, they want that level of of Information that's, that's untainted, that's unspoiled, that's innocent. Uh, it's, it's almost a hunger for it now.

Speaker 3:

How do you, how do you sift through it? Yeah, there's so much. It's like when attorney, back in the 70s, 80s, 90s and I'm from that era when they wanted to hammer the, the defense, or the, the, the prosecuting team, they, they hammered with so much information there's, there's no possible way you can get through it. So they just put it in a box and on the number 64 box and you won't get to it.

Speaker 1:

So um, it's a great, great question and it's a great point. Well, because that's that's getting lost in the details, right? I think, as as we and you do this very well too, as I listen to your shows that you got to bring in a general perspective of what is Information being said. So, if you could get to somebody's belief system and and having either challenged their belief system, if it's, if it's a belief system that's limiting and empowering, or creates a zero in some game, if you could challenge that on a, on a level of uh, of like wow, I never thought about that perspective, you know, I thought well, you know like, for example, like dr Brian Hardison, snake venom.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the the covid 19 was like, wow, I, we see that roll out, but I never thought that the snake, there would be snake venom in there. And once I came out then you looked at the logic, look at what was going on with that, and you might realize, wow, okay, there is a lot to this venom that's in there and but I would have never been challenged if somebody came and said, listen, there's venom in there. But if you focus on the general was like well, well, how, what are the symptoms here? You know, well, this is what happens. Is this the same thing happens when you get bit by a snake. This is the same thing happens when what? This is why this works here and doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

This is why you lost a smell and you challenge that piece by piece, I think, on a general perspective, and the people will then question it and then they'll go down the rabbit hole. And once you get them interested enough to find his own truth, to go down the rabbit hole, then I think that, um, I think that you will then realize how they specifically are able to Make a, make a point of like, hey, I have, um, I have, uh, uh, I see how now that this could be the case. Now I'm interested, I'm gonna seek it out. I don't need you to tell me to where to go. I'm going myself to see where the truth lies.

Speaker 3:

You create their own.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. And then also, now that person can affect 10 other people, and then that person's gonna affect 10 other people, and so on down the line, and that's basically what you and I have been experiencing over the last three years, if you look at it this is why so many people are waking up.

Speaker 1:

Um, and you got to hold on to that, even though it may be slow, or you still see this, uh, this agenda, this great, this you want agenda being rolled out, and this, you know this is Harm for humanity being rolled out, it's still. We're making progress as we go.

Speaker 3:

Well, everybody's got an agenda, so our agenda is the truth. So if you say we're agenda list, that it's kind of a moot point, it's true. Our agenda is the is the truth that we see it. And if you got to look at the other side, their agenda is the truth Is that they see it, but they didn't spend no time digging into it.

Speaker 1:

Exactly and and also you know the truth takes you. You get to have the in back of your mind I'm sure I know you do, but most you have to realize the truth may take you down roads that you're going to question your own personal.

Speaker 1:

Right, yes and you got, you got to be willing to go there. You can't just say, hey, uh, you know I this this because you know I identify as this, so I don't want anyone to touch that area here because it's off, it's off limits, right, you can't do that. You can't do that. You have to be completely Transparent and honest with yourself more than anyone and have the hubris to realize, when you're that wrong, to just stop.

Speaker 3:

See, a friend of mine wrote the intro to the show, and, and he's, he knows me quite well and he says, uh, he's not always right, but he is always certain, and that is. That is a little check mark in my, my calibration file. It says, you know, even though it kind of stings, he's right, right, and, and, and. Sometimes you just got to stand back and go, okay, I'm not right, but I'm certainly not right, right, exactly. And people don't do that. So I get you, I hear you a thousand percent. Which which drops me into my next question here Are you ready, yeah, elaborate On the challenges that united intentions has faced while dealing with mainstream their, their agenda, their, their machine of destruction?

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow, yeah, I mean, I saw it at the fact checkers and you know we were getting like we were very big on youtube back then when, before the the purge youtube purge I think that was like 2018 or 19 or something or 17, care remember Uh, we were getting hundreds of thousands in millions of views on different shows that we were doing on a good intention show, which was just put together, and, of course, the purge came and the Obama handed over the internet to the un and then, all of a sudden, you started seeing things just Gradually get worse and the censorship. And then facebook came and we had a hundred thousands followers on facebook and, of course, that got deleted. Account got deleted right during 2020.

Speaker 1:

Yeah um, and then instagram. We got bald. Uh, uh, black bald on that. Uh, just Never you had a chance to get ticked up and going. Seems like we are targeted right from the beginning, because I think the message that we're sharing is a it's a little bit different than a lot of other messages. I mean, uh, maybe not so much today, but back then it seemed a little different. Power of the intentions, how. You know that's empowering. You know that's not falling into a, a cult or a religious dog mod. This is that, yeah, you're in charge of creating yourself out of this mess here that we may find ourselves in. You don't need you, don't need you're. You're the one who stand up here, you're the one has the ability to do it. Uh, and that was, I think, maybe too much of an empowering message and you're the only one that can do it.

Speaker 3:

You're the only one that can do it in your future. No one's going to do this for you. You can't sit on your couch, you can't. You can't order your, your food on a, on a computer, and your, your, don't. Get off your butt and go engage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and, and you know, and everyone's waiting for their savior, everyone's waiting for trump to come in to save the day. And for somebody to come and save them and rather than realize, and perhaps, maybe, what if you're here to save yourself and save others? What if you're the one?

Speaker 3:

how do they say trump wasn't the guy for the job? He was the right guy for the job.

Speaker 1:

There you go. Well, you know that's anybody can be trump, I'm sure, because if you're, if you're a far liberal democrat and you think biden hung the moon and that's what you believe, right, Um so so, but my point is no one's gonna save you, whether it's biden or trump or whatever no one or, you know, putin doesn't matter, no one's gonna come save you.

Speaker 1:

You're the one, I believe, we're the ones that we're one that have to wake up, and we are waking up. We're waking up in so many levels. We just have to learn how to keep our energy and our frequency higher, vibration higher, and not let them bring us down right now.

Speaker 3:

But why is it always the challenge? Why is that? Was the right that wakes up first? Yeah, tell me. Tell me why that is. We're gonna do science, right.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I just think it is a critical thinking, you know, and plus, not to mention our school system, to dumb down our kids. Oh man, I'm just repetition and memorization. They don't teach critical thinking anymore.

Speaker 3:

Not at all.

Speaker 1:

And you know so, and and listen, we need our creative side, we need a right brain, we need our creative side as well. It's a balance of it to really, because the um, the uh, it's specifically how we have to be able to Understand that our imagination is part of our process of creating our reality. And if we can imagine it, we can create it. And so you need that aspect and then you need the action steps. You need your left brain for the action steps to get to that, to unfold your imagination to the reality you want to experience. And Einstein said, at the best, anyone you want to experience a certain reality. Just, you know, create the frequency of that reality that you want to experience. So you almost have to, like, start first with creating what you want to experience and then you experience it, and that's that's science, that's quantum science, right there, uh, and how it can be used for people to, um, you know, change their reality and change their world, uh, on an individual basis. And that's start from within, within, too, right.

Speaker 3:

Right and I think that's.

Speaker 1:

That's what we're hearing a lot of this new science and and understanding how it's like a lot of different. You know, I challenge a lot of my old religious beliefs too. I challenge them a lot every day and I'm like, well, you know who's behind writing this stuff, what was the details, and a lot of stuff. I'll say to myself that, hey, you know what. I could be wrong, any other person could be right, but to me does this make logical sense? Am I? Is this something that I'm going to change my? I'm going to make decisions that affect other people based on this belief that I don't know really where it came from or if it's serves me.

Speaker 3:

So a little bit of a mastic approach.

Speaker 1:

Probably, it's probably so, but yet I do understand. I do believe in a higher power.

Speaker 3:

Oh, for sure, Hands down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I have no doubt about it, although I may not have the hard proof, but I don't need it and we don't need it. I'll tell you why. Most of all, we do like if you look at the circumstantial evidence, it's still law. You can still go to jail, you can still die on circumstantial evidence. So circumstantial evidence is fine. You don't have to be there to see when the Clashwab put in the nanotechnology into the vaccine or whatever you know. I'm just saying that you don't have to witness their plan of their Bilderberg meetings to find out if this is what their rollout plan. You don't have to be there. Sure, you can look at the circumstances, you can look at the evidence that supports that and make a conclusion and be right and be okay and know that you can rest your head safely in your pillow that night.

Speaker 3:

Well, be reasonable be right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I mean people are like worse than the point now, like why wasn't there? So I don't know if I can't believe it. That's where I think we, like you said earlier, what's the chatty, sith role and stuff? I think we have to start creating our own understanding through a circumstantial evidence, and a lot of that I look at is not what people say anymore. I look at what their end result is. If the end result is a problem reaction solution where everyone's reacting and everybody's buying this made up solution, then that's enough. Circumstantial evidence show me that that was all set up and created in the beginning, just like the pandemics work right.

Speaker 3:

The pandemic.

Speaker 1:

The pandemics work exactly.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So we're 20, what are we here 24 minutes into this first segment? I wanna leave with one more question before I go to the next segment, and we're gonna take a break, commercial break. What motivated you to create a form that addresses the issues in a straightforward now straightforward and uncensored format? Now, I know you've touched on this in a lot of your questions, but give me like a one liner. Here's why.

Speaker 1:

Sure, well, because if you want to create heaven on earth, you wanna create a reality that is a harmonious, beautiful reality. You have to first realize where you are. Most of us have been caught up into a, you know, really a kind of a matrix, a false sense of belief of who we are, based on lies or based on false histories, based on information that we're getting is not true. I mean, you had 4.5 billion people take a bio weapon shot and they thought they were doing the right thing.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Because they were living in a reality that was not reality. So the first thing to start, first thing you gotta start if you wanna create a true reality, a better reality. You gotta know where you are, you gotta look at the reality of what you are and where you are and what is going on, you're meniscus of what you are in life.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and you gotta challenge that reality and you gotta meet people on that level. Because if you just start talking about, hey, we're just gonna create this beautiful world for the power of our intentions, and they're like, hey, I'm just trying to get food on my table here and avoid, you know, getting a pandemic here or getting sick here, they're not gonna listen to you, you know. You gotta reach them there and you gotta say well, you know where are you. So that's the reason why we're heart-hitting and we wanna get very direct, uncensored, because we have to have a reality check. And if you don't know where you are in your reality and you're not in collective reality as well, and you're not challenging that reality and looking at it, then you don't know where you're gonna go. So if you don't know where you are, you can't go where you wanna go. That's the bottom line.

Speaker 3:

Well, dr Lee was on. I always pronounce it wrong, but he was on a couple of shows ago and he talked about the mind control Right, the certain group of people. They wear a ribbon in their hair, there's certain type of clothes or whatever that is, and he struck a couple of chords that made me think and say, hmm you know, that really makes sense, because you've seen it, it's been, we've so desensitized to it.

Speaker 3:

it's in front of our face and all of a sudden it's out in front of the public and the public's going like well, that's normal, that's religious, that's whatever. You know I gotta take a break here and I'm gonna come back with the. How does the UI media enable people to speak to truth and diverse opinions? So we're gonna have some mechanism in place here. Can you stand by for a second so we can take commercial?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So we have on our show today Tim Ray, the founder of UIMediaorg, and we're gonna come back in a minute here and we're gonna talk about some other topics. So for Huttcast, stand by, we'll be right back. We'll be right back. Okay, welcome back to Huttcast, tim Ray, founder of UIMediaorg. I was corrected there. So if you're here at the UIMedia, it's always network Tim. Welcome back to the show we are gonna kick this one off with. In a world of certain censorship, how does UIMedia network enable the people to speak to truth and share over diverse opinions?

Speaker 1:

One of the main ways is we're not beholden to advertisers or to groups that are money rolling in. We have a program where we create women situations where, if somebody has a service or an online service on my product, we're able to embed that into the actual videos. Shows that we put together and they get leads where people are interested in that and then they pay us for their leads. So we create that win-win scenario where people are able to beholden to no one other than they have a product that we, a service that we align with and we vet out. Then we're gonna support it and that's just between them. So we don't have that level of influence.

Speaker 1:

And that's one of the main things you have to ensure that when you start, if you're starting in your media business, you wanna make sure that you're not gonna be having big pharma groups or lobby groups or we, as we're seeing now, blackrock and Vanguard and how they own all these companies and Shell companies and how they influence all. You know what's going on and with Valencia and you name it, so you can't create from the beginning. You have to have it set up that way, so that's how we're able to be uncensored. And then two you gotta know. You gotta know people out there who are speaking the truth. You gotta know who's out there, who's controlled opposition and there's a lot more controlled opposition than you realize back then Big time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and you have to lead through that, and not that you can't have controlled opposition on, but you can challenge them. You can challenge them as well when they're on, and that makes a great show, too as well.

Speaker 3:

Well, a lot of people aren't atypical, so they're not into the challenging things in life, they just wanna roll the flow, they wanna run the punch. But so how do you sit to the masses? You know, the type A's are out front. We're on radio, we're just like you and I. We're type A's. We make stuff up, we stir that pot. We don't stick the little pot, we stir the big pot. And they don't do that. So how do you tell them to say, hey, you gotta stir whatever pot you're in to make sure it makes sense? I mean, what's your motivation to tell them that?

Speaker 1:

Part of it too is. You know, it takes courage too, and I love people who, like we have a mutual friend, dr Brian Artis. He's one of the. I call him Batman. He's one of the most courageous men out there I've ever seen Single-minded, focused, just faces it. You know, that doesn't mean he's not scared. It doesn't mean people like I interviewed Thomas Campbell I don't know if you know him, but he worked at the Monroe Institute and also NASA physicist and Thomas Campbell I wrote the book I think called my Big Tail, and he said my definition of courage is is being scared but doing it anyway.

Speaker 3:

See Thomas Howell 1864. I've heard that before.

Speaker 1:

Really okay. Well, that's where I heard it from, Thomas Campbell. So wherever you heard it from, I'm sure that's probably valid, and so I'd always thought. I always stuck with me that it was. You know, because right now you're talking about a level of censorship where, as in history, in China, in Mao, Russia, people were killed. People were killed when communism rolled into a country, the first places they would go to would be the radio stations and the TV, and they take them over and they start. They, you know, they just usually dispose, you, dispose of you. So you're talking about, we've had this false sense of these days, this false sense of delusion that our First Amendment rights are protecting us.

Speaker 1:

When we're seeing how First Amendment rights now are being abused, used and not even being honored, and being weaponized. They're using false flags to create this challenge. Whatever our First, second or amendments are right now, they have watered them down. So we're in a very precarious situation now when it comes to our First Amendment freedom of speech and the censorship is. So. It's like the mammoth's out there the Google's, the Facebook's, all the ones that we now perverted into where it's just if their agenda is what their agenda is and if you go against that, then you get censored. The next level is black bag right. So we're very close to more strength and what we're seeing this kind of movement, to this, really this extremist movement. Now we're seeing and I can't stand words, I think they're all false flags, every one of them have been a false flag, and there's a crater for making other people rich and control power for them and at the thought of human beings dying and for their own reasons. And so we're there, we're very close. People like you and I are on the front line to stay to, like I said, stir the big pots. We're that close to not being here or being imprisoned or something worse when you go against a agenda that is communistic. That is, the tool that the New World Order is using is a communistic agenda, and so it's like I said, it's precarious times and that's where the courage comes in and that's where we have to instill in others to do it anyway.

Speaker 1:

Be scared and speak up anyway, because if you don't, you'll lose it. If you use it, you'll keep it. If you don't, you'll lose it. Either way, whether the worst scenario happens or not, at least you're gonna be least you'll be speaking your truth, and to me there's no death. So I don't fear death like I used to, perhaps, when I was younger. I don't believe in it. I believe that there's. Of course, we transition to whatever we're gonna be going into, but people have to hold on to that. They have to hold on to that, not be scared and let that stop them from speaking their truth.

Speaker 3:

You know why there's a First Amendment, right, yeah, yeah, because there's a Second Amendment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and they're working hard. Exactly, it's because of the First Amendment, because there's a Second Amendment, exactly right, and that's Second.

Speaker 3:

Amendment. So if anybody knows my show, we're pretty big Second Amendment supporters. So if at any point I feel the tyrannical grip of the whoever-whats wanna come down and start squeezing me, they're gonna need some help.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, well, that's, and I'm on board at 100% too. At the same time, we can't wait until people show up to our front door. We're not gonna be united, you know. And they're passing breast-lobed labs, they're passing all these things now that are setting people up to where they'll be isolated.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So if there's something needs to happen, it needs to happen now. In reference to uniting, let them see the numbers of people with their Second Amendment rights. Don't sit there and wait till they come knocking on your door because Dan is too late. So it's you know. We want to unite now that people know that we have our right to bear arms. We have a right for freedom of speech.

Speaker 3:

As we should, as our founding forefathers have seen this in the past. Their wisdom was beyond mention.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm on that page. Like I said, there's a First because there's a Second, because you need a First. Yeah, yeah, go right up the line oh man, their estimator, just kind of like in line for you know, whatever in tribulation, but they're still. That's the law, Right. So is the prevalence of fear-based, suppressive news sources highlighted. The need for concise media today is what Other than the truth? And again, the truth is an opinion based upon what someone sees, their dimension, their meniscus of that truth.

Speaker 1:

Right. Well, it to me, as you know, as those Jews saying, it was my truth, it was your truth, and there's the truth, right, and so you have to allow people, wherever they are in their truth, express it. Now, it may not be your truth, or you may be offended by what their truth is, or you may wholeheartedly disagree with what they're saying. Right. But to suppress one's truth because you disagree with it, and then not to another's or to your own, defeats the whole purpose of the freedom of speech, why we were even freedom assembly, freedom of religion, why we're even here having this conversation. So people have to understand, they have to be able to say what they want. Now, when there's a group that's maneuvering themselves to ownership to censor only what they wanna see, as we're seeing now in mainstream media, we're seeing online, we're seeing with Vanguard and BlackRock how they're owning all these media outlets, and from the newspapers, the print, to the TV, right, Right yeah, so that's when you have these anti-trust laws.

Speaker 1:

That, of course, never been followed now, but that's when you're in trouble and we have to make sure that we're concise in the sense that we have to call that out. We gotta bring notes to that and we almost have to reanimate our amendments to the American people and to the people around the world how critical they are because they have been ignored. They're taken out of our school books. Now they're not even discussed in many schools because they're so dangerous. Right.

Speaker 1:

One reason why they had to weaponize our agencies is because they knew they have to. The only thing that's in the way of full-on authoritarianism 1984 scenario is our amendments a first and then a second mainly. And so they know that that's just the thing, that pain in the neck they have to get rid of, and they're doing it every which way they can. So we have to reanimate that into our society and let people understand it's not about social rights, it's about civil rights. We gotta bring the civil rights back into our understanding of how important they are our individual rights than ever before. And I would say you could focus on individual rights and then you can size this of what news you're gathering. You'll never go wrong. I think.

Speaker 3:

You'll always be on target, even if you disagree with what they're saying I find it odd and I get to a lot of mixers and fundraisers and stuff like that. I mean not really many fundraisers, but you know what I'm saying. I get around these different types of people and when you get around the Dems and I fly the red flag or the right flag and you know, but I also fly the common sense flag and even if the right's wrong, it's still wrong, right, the difference between what the left says about the constitution versus the right says and I asked that question just because you know I'm that guy I said what does the constitution mean to you? And in a nutshell, they say that it's a living document that needs to be adjusted all the time. And the right guy say it's hands down, the Bible, that's the way it's got to be. Right. There is the difference I've seen talking to lefts, rights alpha warriors you name it.

Speaker 3:

I've talked to them. What do you think about that comment?

Speaker 1:

Well, it's like you said, it's extreme in both ends, you know, because when it comes to individual rights, you can't divide that anymore. It's not divisible anymore. Right, you can't say it's. We have to support the black culture, we have to support the gay culture. We have to support, because when you break that down, you break the, you break the express the gay culture down. It's going to come down to individual rights. So everything comes down to the individual rights.

Speaker 1:

And the beautiful part about the constitution it was created around individual rights. Did they get everything correct? Was it? You know how? This three part system and the republic concept and everything. Could there be some things that people could look at? But I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think it's a great stepping stone. I think the constitution of the United States is beyond any constitution around the world and it's the perfect, perfect stepping stone to a culture or cultures who are on a spiritual path. Will a constitution always be needed in this kind of 3D reality, in this human reality that we live in? I hope not. I hope that we can evolve enough on a spiritual level that we would not want to do harm to anyone. We would not want to breach anybody's alienable rights. We would not want to hurt someone for mind gain and their loss. I hope that we evolve on a spiritual level where we could step up from the constitution to hold on the way of interacting with humanity and beyond, and I think this is something that we look at. So I would disagree with probably both ends, you know.

Speaker 3:

Well then, let me ask you a different question. Yeah, okay, we have a Bible and no one cautions that. Right, it is the Bible. They say, it is the Bible, bible. Right Now, by what you just said, how does the Bible fit in?

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, are we talking about the King James Version.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, the Three Mason. Yeah, whichever version you want Are we talking about the Mormons?

Speaker 1:

Are we talking about how? About the Apocrypha? How about all the 75 different books that didn't make the cut?

Speaker 3:

Are we talking about that? What was the reason Right? What was the?

Speaker 1:

reason. How about the Sumerian tablets? That was written 6,000 years ago, that you could find a lot of that in our Bible too, as well, and many other ones. So, I mean, this is where I think people have to question from day one, Because we're I mean, if you look at this, how we're conditioned and brainwashed and propagandized- as we're seeing on the media that's just the media you see people waking up to that now, every day.

Speaker 1:

But you can imagine how, when you first day you're born, how you've been also brought into a system of belief based on other people's beliefs.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Now you internalize it to be your beliefs.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

But when you do get old enough where you start questioning beliefs and it's that right of the child to push away from their parents, usually as a teenager, to start the realm right and it's one of those moments in time where you have to start questioning things.

Speaker 1:

And that's when, if you're supported with critical thinking, supporting an environment where you could be a free thinker on that level, you can challenge these things and look at it and then say you know what? These are beautiful parts of this, of the Bible or this version of the Bible, and these are not so beautiful parts of it, of the Talmud or of the Torah. And you know what? This could have been regionally created for control by man. This could have been manipulated to the caste system of the Hindus, of the caste system to keep people suppressed. You gotta be able to challenge and use your own individual thinking on that and then take the good and leave the bad or look at it from what it is and then make your decisions how you wanna live your life On your terms, right, on your terms, that you've had it, you looked at it and you now believe to be true, and even then we really know the full picture? I think we never will, at least not from this perspective of a human.

Speaker 3:

How could you?

Speaker 1:

I think we're looking at a prism. Everyone's looking from their own angle and their angle is the truth, but yet it's not the complete, full prism. You can't see it from that perspective, and so I think that's I would tell people who are caught into that level start thinking gray, stop thinking black and white, because what has black and white ever got you in life?

Speaker 3:

The opposite.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. In fact, when you think in the black and white it's very extremist, you go into this kind of religious fanaticism we're seeing right now roll out. You're seeing people being murdered on levels that you never imagined before. You saw it over in Maui, you saw it at Acapulco. And you go down the road of looking at the truth in these 15-minute cities and the direct energy weapons and how they're being used, and you go down that you see exactly, wow, this is all doable. They got the motive, they got the means and they got the opportunity all there. Even though I'm not up in space looking at how they use these direct energy weapons, they have that technology there and they used it and we can prove it, and so that's a certain sense of evidence.

Speaker 1:

You've got a vet now put into your belief system to challenge that. So I would say, go down that road, stop taking other people's words for what you believe and analyze your own beliefs and then go from there. And if you are justifying your, you are justifying killing human beings, you are justifying and rationalizing vengeance and murder on any level, then I would say you know what? Perhaps that's not your belief system. That may be somebody else's belief system who has another agenda that you're not even aware of. Pretty deep thought there, huh.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's a tough one.

Speaker 1:

Because people hold their beliefs very close to their life and if you look at beliefs in general, it stops growth. I have a belief it's done solid. You're never able to bring in new data to challenge that belief. There's stuff in their ways, exactly. And so in a basic case, I think, we're stuck in our ways and we may not be looking at reality for what it is. We may be looking at reality for what somebody else wants us to believe it to be, so they can manipulate and control us Right.

Speaker 3:

Me and Ilya's had this conversation and it wasn't quite this long, but I got it, yeah. So let me shift a gear here and tell me if I'm accurate. And the question is can you share more about your current projects? The exclusive three-part documentary series Death by Deception focused on the truth behind COVID and the vaccines.

Speaker 1:

Is that a?

Speaker 3:

current project for you?

Speaker 1:

Yes, In fact, we launched that a few months ago and it's what we do. Of course, we have our regular shows we do each week, but really what we're really focusing on is an exclusive series where we offer our members people who have real insight information. And we did recapture Dr Brian Artis' venom discovery and really captured it in three-part series from identifying what it is, how they're using venom in the spike proteins, the synthetic venom that they created, who was working, and I'll tell you what. You could make a better movie out of this, where you have murder, you have suspense, you have global conspiracy. I mean, you got every makings of a full Hollywood movie wrapped up into what they did with the venom and what Dr Brian Artis and his team discovered. And so it's phenomenal.

Speaker 1:

And from how they came out and they suppressed this information, I believe Bernard Bing Liu, who was a Chinese university here, a Chinese student, who basically discovered hey, they have venom in these things. These are cobra venom. They're using these synthetic spike proteins. And then you look into who's behind that. We've discussed the CIA's involvement and how they've been messing with venom for the 70s and 60s and the big industries, the Venco and you know Venom Co, I should say, and how. These companies are billion-dollar industries, are producing venom and have been. It's in our makeup, it's in cancer research. We've been using venom for throughout decades and we never heard about. Right.

Speaker 1:

And then so we get. We expose all that as well. We just did another teaching, another three I think it'd be a two-part series with Dr David Martin on the pandemic. We have another one we just rolls out next week. It's called the Next Pandemic. That's with Dr Ely and Dr Rube and Dr Brian Artis and Dr Judy Micah-Biss and a bunch of others speaking about the next pandemic and how they're setting this up for and how it's going to be worse than the first one that gets released, I think, next week. So we stay busy on getting this information out, but we just get it. We let the truth take us where it takes us and that's where that's what you get.

Speaker 3:

Well, I've been asked to do all five of you, or four of you on the panel, but because of my antiquated inflates I can only get so many of you on at one time. And if we could do a Zoom in I could only do audio only. But of course my console only connects up. It's an old, it's a retired music studio, it's old school, but I wanted to get five of you and I don't know how I could. You know, it's like herding cats at that point.

Speaker 3:

How do you get the conversation going in a direction that the audience will listen to? And again, we are in 70 plus countries and we have well over 45 million. I stopped counting long ago and when artists kicked on, I had a thousand downloads within the first 10 minutes. Let me rephrase that with the first 10 hours. I'll be fair. I had a thousand downloads in the first 10 hours and I dropped my episodes at five o'clock.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know Batman, he's articulate, but he has the signs behind him and it's hard to get around that and he's funny in his own way, and so it's amazing.

Speaker 1:

And this is a face coming out too is spot on. It's all there in front of your face. It's just not being allowed in mainstream media, online or on print or on radio. Just that's how much control. You realize the CIA, you realize the government agencies have been propagandized. I mean hell. You know they just passed the Monsmith Act of 2003,. Whatever it was, now they could use propaganda against American people.

Speaker 1:

That's why we're seeing all these made up to crisis actors and what's going on there, because they legally the media cannot be held accountable for lying to the American people. That's how far gone and unconstitutional these laws in the last so many years have been put in place. The point where we're seeing now that we're basically, you know, we're war mongering. And I look back and I challenged the 9-11. I challenged all that and the millions of Iraqis we killed in the name of our revisions for 9-11 had nothing to do with that in the first place.

Speaker 1:

So it just and I think this revelation is revealing. This is the revealing that we're all looking at and we're revealing and you have to look at everything revealing All your religious beliefs, everything. This is the revealing time, this is the apocalypse, the revelation, and we got to challenge everything that we've known to be true and question everything that we've known and then create, hopefully, a harmonious, loving way of beliefs to move forward humanity to this next level where we're going, because at this rate we can't stay unconscious like we are. We will destroy humanity quickly, as it looks like we may be going down, but I still have hope. This revelation, this revealing, will wake us, most of us, up.

Speaker 3:

It almost sounds like you, almost sounds like a little bit of demolition man. Remember that movie Back in the 80s Everybody's going to have a joy, joy time and we're going to wear a moon, moon, sit on a couch. You know all that stuff. And you got the left. You got to get the more dirty. And then you got the other guy that says you got to get more clean. I mean right right. Somewhere in the middle is the truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, listen, that's all we can hope for, right.

Speaker 3:

What are the key insights that viewers can expect from death by deception?

Speaker 1:

One, you'll find out how predominant venom is in our society, in companies that are producing it, and how it's being used. And it's not and it's like 99% being used actual venom. It's not anti-venom being used, it's venom being used. For example, that new drug they have, they say, for diabetes or weight loss. People are taking a camera in the name of it. That's a lizard venom. They're using it and what it does is it paralyzes your stomach so you're not hungry. And same thing with the Cobra. The Cobra paralyzes your lungs right during the COVID and that's why people with the ventilators weren't working. Like why wouldn't the ventilators work? Because it wasn't a respiratory issue, it was a venomous, a poisoning issue.

Speaker 1:

And so you start realizing, wow, there's a venom in everything. Even this next pandemic that they're planning the Marburg, potentially Marburg disease is a venomous snake, more snake venom, I think it's the boosling snake. And so it's like, wow, this serpent, energy of poisoning, is so predominant in everything we do that it's almost like it's so obvious that it's there in front of your face that nobody sees it. It's like Hitler said people won't believe the little lies, but they'll believe the big lies. And so here we are, believing in the big lies and I think that'll be the biggest awakening. People realize, wow, and how the symptoms of venom poisoning makes all sense if you look back in the last three years of how monoclonals were working. Why would they work? Because monoclonals are used for its venom bites, why you lost your taste and smell. That never happened before in a virus before. Because when you get bit by a snake you lose your taste and smell. So it's like, wow, that's a big lie.

Speaker 1:

When you get bit by a snake, you lose your taste and smell.

Speaker 1:

So it's just like a lot of things, men, that we get exposed to behind it and the roles and the most important thing we give the treatments from the nicotine receptors to, and you'll find out where nicotine is actually not bad for you.

Speaker 1:

It's the chemicals that they put the tobacco company, put into the cigarettes that made it addictive. But nicotine's in apples, nicotine's in all different types of fruits, and we have nicotine receptors. We actually have receptors built into the human brain to receive nicotine. That's how important it is and how they block the venom and the spike protein synthetic spike proteins go directly into the nicotine receptors. So if you block them with nicotine, they can't get to you and it's just amazing stuff that you'll the details, that you're like okay, and plus we show all the documents and all the papers that prove what we're saying, exposed that to people to do their own research. We have a lot of doctors who watch the show and they're like wow, and they go down the rabbit hole looking at the research papers that are all produced and peer reviewed and like, well, you know, I think it's an eye-opener for them. They have to kind of reverse their role and their perspective on things and hopefully challenge the medical model that Rockefeller put together for us Right.

Speaker 3:

So here's another one, and again in a 600 word less or small dissertation, because we're 27 minutes to second second what are the future plans and aspirations for UI, media networks and your mission to promote positive change in people's lives? I mean just kind of a.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right now is to we really kind of on an education process of understanding and teaching about frequencies and emotions. We have like a show on raising frequency. Next week we have a heart mass. We have one of the people there from heart mass showing how the coherence of moving from this brain to our heart and how we could stay there and how the brain Heart has a brain and it's much more powerful than our brain brain and how we, if we get coherent with that, we can move forward. So goals to get more into what we can do and treatments and also solutions to the chaos that we've been identifying and to really get people hope and how they can make the change. And that's really kind of how we'll take a big time at that point. Solution oriented.

Speaker 3:

Okay, now this is the plug point. This last section is all about what you're going to launch. So plug away, give us information, give us where we can call, do your thing.

Speaker 1:

Sure, sure. Well, right now you can go. It's all free. We don't charge for any of our shows. You can go on uimeatingnetworkcom or uimeatingnetworkorg either, or, and you can watch our shows Frequency Wars shows, which is a really impactful show as well as a hard hitting show, and then we have Raising the Frequency, which is more of an entertaining show.

Speaker 1:

I have a co-host there, and people go on and learn stuff that they never thought about before Stuff that's been suppressed, information that's been censored on a collective level, and also how you could, if you want to, guys that watch us live. The shows on the Raising Frequency are Tuesdays at 8 am Eastern Time, and you can watch us live interact on the online week. You read your comments as well, and you can always call in to 678-242, I'm sorry, 678-495-4345 and speak to us. So we have. We try to keep it as lively as possible, and then we try to get information out there too. If you have any ideas, you think there's some information that you want us to get out, let us know and usually we'll start vetting it down that, if it's worthy, we'll start vetting it down and speak to these people and try to get information out that you never heard before.

Speaker 1:

Our exclusives are constantly growing. I think we're flying out to California to do an exclusive series with Dr Gia McGryphon and going to get capturing what his perspective for the last 60 years of the rollout of not only communism but of this new world order banking he is equal to the international bankers takeover. So we're constantly growing and moving and we just want to surround ourselves with like-minded people like yourself, tim, and partner with you in any way we can, because if we unite this whole point, our foundation is called United Intentions Foundation and there's power in prayer, as they say. Two more people come together in prayer, two more people come together in United Intention because there's an exponential energetic response when people unite their intentions with each other, and that's what we heard about throughout history, biblically and on every level and so there is a frequency, intensity.

Speaker 1:

So the goal is not to do this on our own. The goal is to unite with other like-minded souls, and there you would find even more courage. There are more solutions and we're able to cover more ground, and with more people because we're uniting together. So anything you or others have in mind that you feel like the United Intentions Foundation can assist in or participate in and all we want to do is create win-win scenarios. Know zero sum game scenarios and if we could create a win-win scenario with you, we're in, and I hope that message gets out to everyone. Should we try to do the same thing?

Speaker 3:

That cast has translated at least seven languages that I know of, and it's not something I did. This is nothing. It's part of hate books algorithm. Are you guys multilingual?

Speaker 1:

We tried that back, did some. There's a couple of different ones. It was this little pricey for us to do that. We wanted to interpret some of our shows, but then AI might have gotten better now where we could do that, but that's something that we should be doing. Maybe you could help us along with that If you heard you end the game on that.

Speaker 3:

I don't think I did anything. I think I just did it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it does it automatically.

Speaker 3:

My biggest platform is we call it hate book because no matter what you say, everybody hates on it and it just kind of I mean English, english and binary, those are the two languages I officially know and it just turned into all these other formats. So I'm getting Russia was a big listener, uk was listener. I mean all kinds of different areas. I'm getting voicemails and it's like holy cow.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So, well, you know, yeah, if there's a way, I'd love to, because of course you reach more people. You know, and that's the goal really, the weight and many as they possibly can, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And you think 45 million is a big number, but it's not when it's worldwide.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but still it's a humongous number and for these days and censorship and times, that's beyond impressive. Tim, that is, and that's where you know people are going to have to never give up, and you're actually a beacon of light for others like myself, who won't give up because we have to get this word out.

Speaker 3:

We'll put a voice on. Yeah, we got to put a voice on this.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, exactly, I agree.

Speaker 3:

Put some minds together and say okay, what makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes, and you know, and you know, and we, we create our own own conglomeration where we focus on the truth. We focus on our truth. Allow people to speak their truth is more important, you said, better stated, because everybody has their own truth, and so we allow for a platform or format where people speak, speak their own truth and get that message out there, where no one's scared to say how they feel because they're going to be put away in jail.

Speaker 3:

And what can we learn? Yeah, yeah, what's the? What's the learn here? That's the biggest thing. What can we learn?

Speaker 1:

Yes, I would say. Right now we're learning to be open-minded and light on our feet. I think, david, I could mention that before that you know we have to be open-minded now, not closed down, because the cognitive dissonance is tremendous. To stay open-minded and light on your feet, meaning you know, go whichever direction that your, your intuition, your, your critical thinking takes you. Now's the time to be settled in and and and in a, in a belief system that's bunkered you down in fear is not a place to be today. We got to raise frequency. That's what we need to learn. We got to know how to raise frequency amongst chaos, like David Carradine in Kung Fu. He was sitting in the middle of a place and he would know to either sit and sit and think or get up and start kicking some butt.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So he? But he, he knew he had to still himself to figure out what would the best scenario to do, and he would have to stay on his feet based on what the situations were. If we could be more like, more like a Kung Fu, I think we'd be in a better situation today.

Speaker 3:

A Shaolin priest.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I don't know if I'm ready to lift any pots with the inside of my arms on a, on a red hot thing yet. But you know, when I get to that point I'll let you know. I mean, there's no, there's no Shaolin priest here, and I and I do remember the show- there you go, there you go, bring, bring, bring Kung Fu back.

Speaker 3:

Bring Kung Fu back. So, timothy Ray, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and and from the common sense of the people who listen to this show, for coming on here and giving us your intel.

Speaker 1:

Excellent. Well, I can't thank you enough for getting the word out and anything we could do at the foundation. Tim, let us know and I look forward to partnering with you on some level, some endeavor, because I just like hanging out with like-minded people. Bottom line.

Speaker 3:

Well, to tell your constituents there or your friends, that I'm trying to get the, the multi-people in on this and again, I hope I didn't like herding cats, because I can have this one on one and I can get the intel I need Absolutely. But I think a panel would be a nice deal.

Speaker 1:

I think so too.

Speaker 3:

Okay, all right, we're going to put a fork in this and we are 36 in the second segment. Tim, thank you again. Show notes for the people out there. You know, you hear them, you listen to them, take it for what you believe, question your beliefs sometimes and then be solid in what they are. But until then, next time, hutcast. We appreciate you tuning in and stay happy people, because that's all we got left. Hutcast is out.

Speaker 1:

Thank you.

Speaker 3:

And that's a wrap for Hutcast. Hutcast is again a pragmatic approach to seeing things how some people see them. If you like our show, give us a thumbs up on the Facebook site. Again for Hutcast. Thank you again. Have a wonderful evening.

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