
Double Standards in America's Judicial System


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Are you prepared to have your perspective of American justice system challenged? We invite you to join us in a riveting discussion on Hunter Biden's federal tax and weapons violations, where we dissect his plea to two misdemeanor tax charges and the potential pre-trial diversion program that awaits him. We dig into the White House's reaction and explore the implications of this case on the society. This episode will surely get you pondering on the importance of proper training for life-threatening or detention situations.

We dare you to scrutinize the concept of dual laws and how they seemingly apply in Hunter Biden's case. Allow us to guide you in understanding the significance of ATF Form 4473 for gun owners and the fallout of its misuse. We go beyond the surface and critique the double standards in the justice system and the way Democrats are trying to suppress the discussion. As we navigate through these issues, we question what this means for America. This episode is a rollercoaster through the landscape of contemporary American politics and justice and you wouldn't want to miss it. Join us, let's challenge the status quo together.

Gene German
Certified Firearms Instructor - Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida
Graith Care Independent Patient Advocate medical advocacy, consultation, advice US and International

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Thank you for listening to this episode of HuttCast, the American Podcast. We hope you enjoyed today's discussion and gained valuable insights. To stay updated on our latest episodes, be sure to subscribe to our podcast on your preferred listening platform. Don't forget to leave us a rating and review, as it helps others discover our show. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for future topics, please reach out to us through our website or social media channels. Until next time, keep on learning and exploring the diverse voices that make America great.

Speaker 3:

Secretly recorded from deep inside the bowels of a decommissioned missile silo. We bring you the man, one single man, who wants to bring light to the darkness and dark to the lightness. Although he's not always right, he is always certain. So now, with security protocols in place, the protesters have been forced back behind the barricades and the blast doors are now sealed. Without further delay, let me introduce you to the host of the podcast, Mr Tim Hutner.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Sergeant in Arms. You can now take your post. The views and opinions expressed in this program are solely those of the individual and participants. These views and opinions expressed do not represent those of the host or the show. The opinions in this broadcast are not to replace your legal, medical or spiritual professionals. Happy Sunday, that's right. Hutcast is out Finally out from running at the rotten, miserable rain we've been having, although we do need it. But on today's show I'm going to kind of pick on the big guy's kid. He's been in the news a lot lately and I think there's some people missing some things here. They ain't paying attention to the details the fine details in which, that's right, Hunter Biden is being excused of. So stand by, let's have a conversation about this train wreck. A cast will be right back the line.

Speaker 2:

Gun is no ordinary purchase. Whether you're a hunter, competitive shooter or self-defense is your priority. There are many kinds of guns and many kinds of training programs. You use your brain all the time. You will really need to use your gun Before you find yourself in a situation where you need to make a critical decision, make sure your training is the best you can get. It could be the difference between life and death or freedom or detention. For the best quality training, check out Permit2Carryus. If you live in Minnesota or Wisconsin or even Florida, give Gene German a call 612-388-2403. That's Permit2Carryus. We're called Gene German at 612-388-2403. Welcome to the podcast 10, 15, 2023,. As stated in pre-roll, yeah, we're going to go after some guys today. Well, actually, a guy or a guy of party, or you just listening. I got two clips for him One from the respective Dan Bongino show, which is all his trademarks and everything, and another one is CBS News. So I'm going to play these for you and then we're going to start into this conversation.

Speaker 5:

Hunter Biden, the 53-year-old son of President Joe Biden, has been charged by the Justice Department with federal tax and weapons violations and we understand he had a court filing today that he has struck a deal with prosecutors he will plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges but could avoid prosecution on a separate gun-related charge by entering a pre-trial diversion program for possessing a gun while addicted to an illegal drug. This is according to that letter filed in federal court in Delaware by the district attorney's office. That diversion program would allow him, as the defendant, to have the charges dismissed if he complies with certain conditions for a set period of time. The president is currently out in California campaigning and fundraising for that effort. Now the White House, via a spokesperson, did release a statement today in reaction to this news, saying quote the president and First Lady love their son and support him as he continues to rebuild his life. We will have no further comment.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, did you get that? Did you get the fact that Hunter Biden is in violation of a weapons charge and attacks misdemeanor? Hold on here, hold on. How did he get to a misdemeanor? Because he isn't going to do it again. Okay, hold on, hold on.

Speaker 2:

So focus on what we know, what the world's been seeing. I don't know if you've been following along this thing. I mean, it's kind of the lost prodigal son of sleepy Joe and he is all over the news. You hear him constantly throwing daddy's name around. It's almost like Buford T Pusser and the kid, where Justice Chief Pusser is going to go out and kick you some bitches. That's what they do in the movie. Okay, I didn't make it. And he's going to threaten his way, he's going to muscle his way, he's going to intimidate his way into things.

Speaker 2:

I don't know about you guys, but when you start sitting back and thinking about how many times everyone else has been attacked, everyone else has been IRS to death, anybody else has been taxed to death and this guy gets off with an agreement because he's the president's son and he's going to get his butt kicked and oh, come on, it should infuriate you, it should infuriate every one of you. You guys shouldn't sit for this. See, I don't care if you're a Demoreb and independent at Tea Party, it makes absolutely no difference in the big scheme of things. And here's this guy. He's 53 years old. If you don't know better by now, you're not going to know better ever. And he's doing this. Holy crap, people Wake up, pay attention to what's going on here. And I got a clip from the Banzino show and it's going to be in full definition. Okay, so the full definition is going to be one of these. What would you say? Dot the T's and cross the eyes, deal. It's a. It's a huge, huge thing. And I want you to, I want you to swim. But before we get into the banjino thing, we you need to, just like I said, pump these brakes and say when do we start this? Dual, dual laws for people, when, when, when do we have this? He had a weapons charge, he had a tax charge, you know, and all of a sudden he's gonna play it down to a misdemeanor. Why? Well, I know why he doesn't do it, but why do they constantly have these, these dual efforts, these dual?

Speaker 2:

The more I listen to the news, the more I hate the news. The more you should hate the news, and which news? It doesn't matter which news, if it's the Fox or the CNNs, or because they're so busy Sensationalizing it that they can't even focus on what the real truth is. Professionalism and justice of the professionalism is so gone. All they want to do is spin a tail. And why do you guys up now?

Speaker 2:

Mind you, I'm no accolade for the news organizations. I'm just a guy in a underground bunker having an opinion, paying the taxes, doing the things that everybody does. I don't vote for a living. I work for living, as do most of you. I know I'm preaching a lot to that choir, but if you're that one guy, you're one guy that votes for living. Listen to what we're saying, because eventually you're gonna have to work for living, because it's just gonna be that way.

Speaker 2:

So I've got my AI friend going to define and explain to you the complete 4473. Now it's kind of a long thing, so tune in and in, pay attention. I'll slow it down to point nine in real time so you can just kind of get the the hankering of this, because it's it's incredible. You need to understand the definitions before you can understand the consequences of the, of this unit, of what this form says. Now, it is not. The whole format is basically the yes or no answer questions. It is what's going to be coming up in the next segment with Bonjino and how he describes how this happens, and a senator, tiffany, senator Tiffany is gonna come out. They call mr Tiffany on there In the court case, so you just got to listen to it. So hold on here.

Speaker 1:

Let me get this thing started answer the following questions by checking or marking either the yes or no box to the Right of the questions. Yes, no. A. Are you the actual Transferry slash buyer of all of the firearms listed on this form and any continuation sheets? Atf form 5300.9. A warning you are not the actual Transferry slash buyer if you are acquiring any of the firearms on behalf of another person. If you are not the actual transfer E slash buyer, the licensee cannot transfer any of the firearms to you, exception if you are only picking up a repaired firearms for another person.

Speaker 1:

You are not required to answer 21.8 and may proceed to question 21.b. Do you intend to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm listed on this form and any Continuation sheets in furtherance of any felony or other offense punishable by imprisonment for a term of more than one year, a federal Crime of terrorism or a drug trafficking offense? See, are you under indictment or information in any court for a felony or any other crime for which the judge could Imprison you for more than one year? Or are you a current member of the military who has been charged with violations of the uniform code of Military justice and whose charges have been referred to a general court martial D. Have you ever been convicted in any court, including a military court, of a felony or any other crime for which the judge could have Imprisoned you for more than one year, even if you received a shorter sentence, including probation? E. Are you a fugitive from justice? Previous editions are obsolete. Atf form 44, 73, 5300, point nine, page one of seven. Staple if pages become separated. Revised August 2023. Yes, no. F. Are you an unlawful user of or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug or any other controlled substance? Warning the use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under federal law, regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.

Speaker 1:

G. Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective or have you ever been committed to a mental institution? H. Have you ever been discharged from the armed forces under dishonorable conditions? I. Are you subject to a court order, including a military protection order, issued by a military judge or magistrate, restraining you from harassing, stalking or threatening your child or an intimate partner or child of such partner? J. Have you ever been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, or are you or have you ever been a member of the military and been convicted of a crime that included, as an element, the use of force against a person as identified in the instructions K? Have you ever renounced your United States citizenship? L. Are you an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States? M.1, are you an alien who has been admitted to the United States under a non-immigrant visa? M.2,.

Speaker 1:

If you answered yes to question 21.M.1, do you fall within any of the exceptions stated in the instructions N? Do you intend to sell or dispose of any firearms listed on this form or any continuation sheets to any person described in questions 21B-L or to a person described in question 21.M.1 who does not fall within a non-immigrant alien exception? I certify that my answers in section B are true, correct and complete. I have read and understand the notices, instructions and definitions on ATF Form 4473. I understand that answering yes to question 21.A If I am not the actual transferee, slash buyer is a crime punishable as a felony under federal law and may also violate state and or local law.

Speaker 1:

I understand that a person who answers yes to any of the questions 21.B through 21.L, as well as 21.N, is prohibited from receiving, possessing or purchasing a firearm. I understand that a person who answers yes to question 21.M.1 is prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm unless the person answers yes to question 21.M.2 and provides the documentation required in 26.D. I also understand that making any false oral or written statement or exhibiting any false or misrepresented identification with respect to this transaction is a crime punishable as a felony under federal law and may also violate state and or local law. I further understand that the repetitive purchase of firearms for the purpose of resale, to predominantly earn a profit, without a federal firearms license is a violation of federal law.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you get it right. You heard it. You understand now what a 4473 is. If you haven't bought a gun and you haven't seen a form, it's not hard to find this 4473 online. I've discussed it in the past. I've said hey, you know, this is an easy gig to find. You can Google it, come right off the ATFDOJ website. It's the official official. It's what they go by as a gun transfer. You have these certain rules and regulations. It's set a lot in there and these you know we've started here before.

Speaker 2:

If you're a, if you're a stoner in Minneapolis and the wisdom of Minnesota they says they're going to have this potfield going now. Now that just knocked out everybody else who's going to want a gun because they're habitually using it. Of course they don't stem far from the narcotics that Mr Hunter O'Biden has. He has a weapon. You can't even possess a weapon. I didn't know about the possession part. I mean, I kind of get it. But so if you, if you're a stoner or you're a doper, and you buy a gun from somebody private party, whatever does this still apply to you? I don't know. I think it makes sense. You know, if you're a stoner, you shouldn't have a gun. You shouldn't be a walk around with a gun. You shouldn't be able to look or even feel it again. These, these, these quote, unquote gun grabbers. But those are the people trying to take your guns the, the, the stoners, the people who are okay with that are the ones trying to take them. Put a stop to that and hurry, vote that out, try, get them where you can Shut them down. Hmm, makes you think a little, doesn't it? And again, the guys who have posted and called me and says you know, we buy a lot of the gun stuff and we are always on these forms and they do change then they had to to make arrangements for the I don't identify as a binary, the guys who can't decide where they want to pee from those, those people they've they've made arrangements for them. And the 44, 73. What next Are they going to make arrangements for? The Hunter Bidens in these? Are those the guys going to say, oh, uh, well, let's change that dual law service, let's, let's have, let's have dual dual laws, one for Republicans and one for Democrats? They had no problem of frying Trump's kids and they weren't even weapons charges or tax evasion.

Speaker 2:

But before I get going down that rabbit hole with you guys today I'm going to play the damn badgino part and then we're going to come back and say, hey, what's your thought on that? Again, kind of a short show today, but I couldn't stop and sit back and say you know, this is stupidness. And Bongino has what has he had? 1.4 million collectively in the United States. The Huttcast has 45 million globally. So I won't mean much to you guys across the pond, but yet it will mean something to us here and maybe you can kind of learn from it as well, because I don't know what we're learning. We're like out in way left field sometimes. Okay, so I'm going to start this next section. I'm going to put a pause and a break here for pay the bills and we're going to have him ie him then Bongino start with his statement and he's going to have that Senator Tiffany in that cross examination of the DOJ or the FBI ETFs. Oh yeah, you want to hear this guy. He sounds like about a pimple and a half worth of I don't know, clear cell Huttcast standby. We're going to take a break and come back with the Bongino show.

Speaker 2:

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Speaker 2:

Tiffany, mr Tiffany, they call him on the Aggression Aborted Hearing Council. They said he wanted to interview these DOJ this little, this is gonna pimple. I don't know what the hell he is. And he wanted him to say what he was gonna do in violation of this law. And now here's where he's going with it. There's inferred and there's actual implied. He infers that if someone was to lie or cheat or steal on this 44-73, which you just heard in previous, you just heard this now that oh yeah, they're not. It's not 10 years or five years, it's 15 years. Now it's 15.

Speaker 2:

So again, respective to the Dan Bongino show. This is a clip from his show which he took a clip from Congressional CNN or wherever he took it from. But I mean everybody's copying everybody's stuff. But it makes a point Bongino cannot Facebook on anything because they got him so tied down. So far I'm pretty good with that, I don't have that issue. I've had a couple of slap on the wrists, shall we say, but for the most part they let me go and they let me do my things. So so here it is. Stand by, listen what's going on.

Speaker 4:

No, I believe Congress changed the sentence last Congress. What is that?

Speaker 6:

sentence now Up to 15. Up to 15 years. Why hasn't Hunter Biden been prosecuted for the crime that he committed?

Speaker 7:

This is a Republican congressman, tom Tiffany, good man. He asks the gun grabber there hey, listen, what happens if you lie in your background check form and you know you're asked if you're a drug user and you lie or we lie about other things. What happens exactly? And you need to stay tuned for the response because it's great, terrific. Check this out.

Speaker 6:

If a person lies on form 4473 and a user and is a user of unlawful drugs, you can get between five to 10 years for that. Is that correct? Is that my understanding?

Speaker 4:

No, I believe Congress changed the sentence last Congress. What is that sentence now Up to 15.

Speaker 6:

Up to 15 years. Why hasn't Hunter Biden been prosecuted for the crime that he committed?

Speaker 4:

I'm not aware of the facts of that case and can't comment on it.

Speaker 6:

OK, who would we talk to to see why this case is not being prosecuted? I mean, he said very clearly in his book that he used drugs. He had a gun, at least a gun. Point of order, Mr Chairman.

Speaker 7:

Point of order.

Speaker 2:

Totally irrelevant and not germane to this. Sir.

Speaker 6:

He's got his he's got his five minutes Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Continue OK.

Speaker 6:

I understand why you do not want Mr Wilcox to answer that question. It's very clear why you don't want because there's a dual system of justice in America. That's what's going on right now and everybody's talking about it across America. There's two standards of justice that are that are going on.

Speaker 7:

See, they don't really care about people lying on their background. They don't check forms and violating federal law. They don't really care as long as they have the last name Biden. You see, the Democrats, by the way, hilariously try to shut that down, which was probably the dumbest thing, because that's the only reason I saw the clip. Someone sent it to me saying watch, the Democrats try to shut this down. So by doing that, we have about combined I don't know, a million and a half viewers and listeners on the show, so a million and a half people may not have seen that, just saw it because of you idiots in the House on the Democrats side trying to shut it down. So good job, morons. Everybody knows exactly what you're doing.

Speaker 7:

Folks, the plan is real. Get a list, declare a public health emergency after some God awful shooting that you had nothing to do with. Use that public health emergency then to declare new features of a firearm retroactively illegal and get a knock on your door. Folks, democrats are absolutely full of. Actually wrote. That's right. I couldn't think of a better way to describe this next segment.

Speaker 2:

So what did you think? You heard it from directly, dan Bange. You know you heard it from the congressional subcommittee hearing Mr Tiffany, senator Tiffany, and he's cross examining the DOJs, the FBI, the ATF guy, and why this didn't happen. And it's the easy way out. He should have just said you know, like when you get pullover for was that White House scale? I'm no, I don't know, I'm no entomologist. I can't tell you which bugs are going to come in. There's all kinds of stuff. You get pulled over by a cop. Hey, do you know how fast you go? No, because I'm no physicist. You know it's the same, the same crap. They're continually saying the same crap. I can't comment on it. Well, I get his comment. I get why he says that. I mean he's, he's probably a Democrat in the world of whatever and again, I don't care if you're a Democrat or Republican or taxpayer or tea party or whatever. You can't have a dual justice system. He, out and out right, lied on the 4473. And I played it to you in previous section and you got to hear verbatim what AI Bob said. I do the AI things so you can have some liquidity and smoothness of this Instead of me just kind of poking it around. It had to be verbatim. So what do you think of all this? How crazy is this? Why are there constant, dual, dual, everything? Could you imagine if that would have been one of Trump's kids? I mean, they're just. They're just guilty of being greedy. They're not guilty of a felony, greed is not a felony but they're brought up in a greed situation. Their dad was a narcissistic greed person. I don't know. Think about it. Think about how much this should make you mad. Think about this.

Speaker 2:

At voting time, I had one of my hate book groups I support. I actually administrated and I put out the Joe Biden's fight with the union workers, because it's kind of a thing right now, with all the Chevrolet, stalantis, ford, the union fighting the companies of hey, you're going to pay us double time and a half and we're going to work half as much. And well, if you work, let me, let me. Let me put this in. Let me quantify this for you If you're getting paid a dollar and you want a dollar fifty for 40 hours with the work the unions want and this is kind of kind of crazy they want a dollar fifty for 30 hours of work. So think about the math there. You're not getting a dollar fifty, you're getting about two something, two dollars worth of hourly pay, because you're not working that extra of 20 or 10 hours. So it's not a raise of a reasonable proportion, it's a. It's a raise so far out of whack that it don't even make any sense. And I don't know, I'm no union guy. I used to be a union guy and it did nothing for me besides get me fired because they, they boast the protection of the union until you actually get something and you know and wrong, and now you're out of the union and you're out of the vehicle or the dealership in which you were at, which is a car thing for me. No, did they ever protect me? Yes, did they always take their dues and pays? Nor did I benefit from it. So if you're a union worker not to spin this off sideways from the Hunter Biden thing you're getting that much more.

Speaker 2:

Now back to this congressional hearing thing. Nothing's as it seems. You can't trust them, but you gotta trust somebody, trust your gut. Is Hunter guilty? I don't know, I wasn't there. Everyone says he's guilty. So if you're guilty, then why is Mr Tiffminy wrong and why did they try to hush him up? Is he guilty of tax evasion? Oh, not until he's gonna do a plea down to just a misdemeanor. Okay, what about all the other people that's been under the examination, the microscope of the IRS, in the past? Can they plea down? Because last they made Biden?

Speaker 2:

There's where the dual justice comes in. That's what Bongino's saying and you know he's got his thing. He's got his rumble thing. Many times you see our listing hudcasts next to Bongino's cast out in the world. And by no means am I anything the size of him. But I do have the same traits the commonality, the common sense, the. You know I'm not a bodyguard for the president in the past and he's not an FFL like we are. So we have our own talents. He does his thing, we do our thing. One of these days I'd like to get on both of our shows and have a conversation, but you know, hey, probably never gonna happen. Pipe dream. So Hunter Biden's done his thing. You can only talk about him so much in his, in his episode. But it's gotta, it's gotta come out. You guys gotta be just upset. The, the Biden.

Speaker 2:

I work for the union guy where we're just started on that last conversation. I don't work for you. And on this hate book page. This gal chimes in and says hey, and she's a diehard Democrat, which is good for her. I want to know what this happened. When did this take place? Like I wasn't going to be able to produce the information in which she's asking, it was all of three seconds before I copy and pasted what she was asking about her beloved president saying that information. I don't work for you. Well, first of all, you're you're a union worker and Biden comes out on his campaign trial and he wants to throw this at this guy and this guy was pissed because he was going to take his guns and you know whatever the argument was, but he had the audacity to say I don't work for you. That's one hits in his mind. Never have I once heard narcissistic Trump say I don't work for you. I've heard him say a lot of other things. Not a Trump fan. He's not the right job man for the job. He's the right man for the job. If you get what I'm saying, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Kind of all over the board today. There's so much emotion surrounding that you can't sit back and there's not one single public direction you could actually go. There's, there's, there's a, there's a multitude of quantifying each part of this little thing and it all rits back to dual thing of justice. You have the dual, dual justice forms and I did say on the show earlier I said mark my words, this was from a hudcast that when Minnesota decided to put their, their doper laws in place, that the feds aren't going to stand for it. Uh-huh, and there it was you. You heard it verbatim AI Bob says even if you are a doper and it's okayed in your state, and you answer that, yes or no, it is a felony. Do you think if your name was Johnson or Bubba or whatever it is, that they're going to prosecute you on that? 44, 73, question five, but they will. That's. Your last name is Biden. I think that kind of sums that up, doesn't it? Yeah, there's a lot of stuff going in the world today.

Speaker 2:

This week has been kind of a weird week. We got the Palestinians kicking somebody's. Oh dude, is that a Middle East thing again? What is this? Is this trying to keep us a sidebarred so that we don't think about the hunter crap again? Is this, is this to watch? My left hand or the right hand can slap you in the back of the head? They're starting to position carriers off the off the coast so that, hey, it's a line we're going to show a force we're going to. You know the US is involved, they're part of NATO, so they're kind of they're all there.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, would a president do that? Would a president create a war so that it could keep us kid out of jail? That sound kind of weird. Could be More. Presidents have done more for less. I don't know what do you say. Chime in on the hate book page podcast and the Facebook arena. We have them on Twitter. We have done. We're on all the social medias. We're going to a lot of infotail. We're going to a lot of calls, a lot of conversations about it. Say, chime in, just say what you say, what you say. Hey, this is a, this is a free speech page, this is a free speech world. At least I'm telling you, upset somebody of the or the denature.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

All right. Well, 15 minutes into this second, be well, people Pay attention to what's going on. Read between the lines, because there's always something between the lines and you just got to cut back and say enough and sense ain't common enough. And we're constantly being bartered with sound bites and talking points and crap. That is just like really A lot of guys in Texas having their health and wellness thing. They went down in the last week. We're, we're, we're, we're a we're hot cast as a sponsor of that. Uh, dr Artis, his show constantly rock and rolling down there. We've got Dr Ely. He was on the show a couple ago, yeah, a couple episodes ago. Great guy, loved hearing his conversation. And the health and wellness clinic or symposium was a Texas thing. It was, I heard. It was quite a great gig. So, if you get a chance, google that up. And uh, gareth Carey was part of one of their main sponsors and they're part of one of our sponsors. So they're, they're everybody's plugged into this deal and hut gas is just proud to be proud to be a part of it.

Speaker 2:

You guys have a rest of the wonderful day that you're going to have and enjoy the weather, if it's decent by you. Again, we just got off of a five day rain, looking pretty sunny out there today. Be well, live well, and hut cast is out. And that's a wrap for hut cast. Hut cast is again a pragmatic approach to seeing things how some people see them. If you like our show, give us a thumbs up on the Facebook site again for hut cast. Thank you again. Have a wonderful evening.

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